Refresh rate adjustment problem on W2000


Staff member
When I used W98 I was able to set there refresh rate of my screen to 100Hz and when I verify with the menus of the screen it is really set to 100Hz. Now on W2000 when I set my screen to something over 75Hz the screen stay in fact at 75Hz. Does someone have an idea to solve my problem ? 75Hz is a bit just to preserve my eyes.

My config is :

Display card : Radeon SDR 32Mo

OS : W2000 SP4

Screen : Sony GDM20E20
One thing is to check your video card drivers; the catalysts have a refresh rate override in there somewhere; not sure if this only works for 3d or not, though. If that doesn't work, I'm pretty sure you can download a utility somehwere to force it (powerstrip should do it).
Originally posted by it290@Aug 19, 2004 @ 07:05 PM

One thing is to check your video card drivers; the catalysts have a refresh rate override in there somewhere; not sure if this only works for 3d or not, though. If that doesn't work, I'm pretty sure you can download a utility somehwere to force it (powerstrip should do it).

Thnaks for the answer 🙂 I can force the refresh rate with Powerstrip and so use my screen at 100 Hz 😀 but I have to run Pstrip each time.
If you're sure everything is installed right, you have modern W2K Radeon drivers installed and everything, you can use a utility to set refresh rates at different resolutions. Nvidia Forceware drivers have this built in, but I can't remember if ATI's Catalyst does. If not, you can try MultiRes. Worked ok for a friend of mine. Uh, just make sure you know what settings your monitor is capable of and you don't end up destroying it.
I finally "found", there is a DCC part in the radeon settings for the screen and I have disabled it, now when I set 1024x768 100Hz it works 😀