

I scanned my NES ROMs with Goodnes tools. Even though they were recognized as [!], when I then scanned them with NesToy, some of them were marked [x] [HGT] meaning that their Header contains incorrect mapper info & garbage, as well as trailing garbage at the end of the ROMs

If I use the –rep parameter to repair these ROMs, should they be considered goodroms if Goodnes recognizes them later as [!], or will they just be patched up to look “good”?

I don’t know how valid the repair process of NesToy really is?

Or should I just erase these ROMs and redownload them again ignoring the repair capabilities of NesToy?
in my experiance, GoodNES (and all Goodtools) check the CRC of the file, excluding the header. i.e. they could care less of it.

the ! means, in almost all cases, that it is a verified good checksum rom. only 1 or two roms that are ! have later been proven bad.

most emulators, too, couldn't care less what the header says.
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Dec 15, 2003 @ 06:11 PM

Why does it matter as long as the emulator plays them ok?

Why settle for second best?

Plus, it is more annoying when playing an overdump/baddump for a substantial amount of time, then getting to a place which has glitches that prevent you from advancing any further.

Just like CD rips, you want the best quality possible.