Sad news for SegaXtreme


Staff member
As of next month we will be moving the server to a much more "cost effective" server and will have to take all of the media off of this site.

If you have some space from your own server you wish to donate for a soundtrack or video that would help out alot.
Aw, sorry to hear that, Ice. Hope you get on well with the site regardless!

So it's all going, media and all? 🙁 Well, it was great to have it while it was there - what a great collection you have! Are you archiving it for yourself?

Anyway, best of luck. 🙂
I might be able to host a few of the videos, but not straight away. I'm planning on switching webhosts in a few months (as soon as my current package expires), and the new one will give me a bit more space than I currently have.

I'll let you know once I've got the additional space. It would be a great shame to see all this media go.

The other thing is, have you considered using a torrent based system? If users were prepared to share the load, then you'd still be able to have all these movies and soundtracks available.
well I'll just download all the things I submited, maybe I'll find a way to continue to offer them for downloading... and you might just link them...

we'll see...
We've been talking about a torrent system -- might work out well.

I'll be hosting some of the written content on my site (guides etc)
I could do the hosting. I think a static IP for me would only run me around 5 bucks a month.

If nothing else works I can do the hosting. It wouldn't be too terribly quick but I could live.
All the media? even the guides and such? I can see the pics, artwork, movies, soundtracks and such takin up lots of space but don't we have room for the help docs and such?
Hmm... a torrent system could work, but you'd probably need to have one torrent per system, to keep people uploading. I doubt enough people are downloading any one soundtrack at a given point in time to have individual torrents for each soundtrack work.
Originally posted by it290@Mon, 2005-02-21 @ 09:43 PM

Hmm... a torrent system could work, but you'd probably need to have one torrent per system, to keep people uploading. I doubt enough people are downloading any one soundtrack at a given point in time to have individual torrents for each soundtrack work.

[post=130214]Quoted post[/post]​

Well I'm sure we can have a Torrent Seed section in the forums and if anyone has the given media on downloaded on their comp and happen to read the post they can then go and start seeding the file. I'm sure most of us here have at least one form of media that is from this site. Just don't delete the torrent files and we should be fine. That way you wont have to always be seeding.