Saturn manual section added & emu section update


Staff member
Saturn manual section added & emu section update

I have added a new Manual section: Saturn and put 2 scans of manuals :
  • Fanta Step
  • Jungle Park
And please, try to contribute to increase the Manual section with your scans 😉

The Emulation section was also updated :
  • Meka 0.69 DOS & Win, 0.68b Linux
  • SMS Plus 1.2
  • SSF 0.07 R11
Saturn manual section added & emu section update

When I'm not feeling so lazy, I'll scan stuff in.

Edit: Oh, since you and/or Ice will be handling format, compression, etc, you don't mind if it is oversized, do you? If you give me guidelines I can follow, otherwise I will just overshoot so you'll have something high-quality to work from.
Saturn manual section added & emu section update

I always use 150dpi scans and depending on the size of the PDF files, I adjust the compression in the printer settings.