Scentura Creations!

Pearl Jammzz

Established Member
LMAO! Ok, so this girl I was talkin to today does this, and she is all sorts of brain washed into thinkin she is gunna be makin millions and have her own place and stuff. Anyone ever read up on this company? Why isn't this place shutdown yet?

I do have to give sum of the people probs. They ahve to be pretty damn good liers/motivational speakers to get a lil army under them.

Your thoughts?
When i went to look up Scentura creations.......all i got were a bunch of sites about the company being a fraud and scamming people. i wonder too why doesnt the government stop shit like that. they must profit off it in some way shape or form probly.
wel lI knwo they don't make taxes off of em. Wanna hear sumthin crazy? they actually show people the sites in the orientation! They guy refers to them as "internet funnies".

They also don't pay u in a check or have an account with them and then get money out of that when u want or sumthin. Not sure exactly how it works but I knwo they don't ever just give u the money.
Originally posted by trecheroustara@Sep 13, 2004 @ 12:06 AM

When i went to look up Scentura creations.......all i got were a bunch of sites about the company being a fraud and scamming people. i wonder too why doesnt the government stop shit like that. they must profit off it in some way shape or form probly.

Sometimes the government steps in and shuts these people down, but can you get them all, all the time? It also takes time, you can't just say "You're bad! Go directly to jail! Do not pass go, etc!" You have to actually like, investigate... and put a case together, and janx.

Plus... the govt can't protect people from getting scammed all the time. People do have just a little responsibility to protect themselves. 😉

They should make a video game where you have to run a series of scams/fradulent companies.
I worked for one of these companies for 2 weeks once 12 years ago 3 days then they took me on a road trip to new mexico , and texas and then I quit about 3 days after I got back , its a pyramid scheme and your pay is youre commision of what you sell the item for over what you paid for it . I cant think of why anybodies whos a legal citizen and and didnt just get out of prison would want to do that except not really work and be able to say you have a job.
my buddy at work he did this once... he told me that while in chicago they abandoned some pregnant girl at the park.... and then when he wanted to quit they abandoned him in wisconsin. Thats where he meet his wife and moved here to florida. i could not see working for one of those companies.