Sega community wake up!!!


Staff member
Just waiting for Sega to release Nights...

...though, there's a real drought of Sega news lately. There's only so much excitement one can have for games that between 10-15 years old, right?

I'm not trying to be cynical (for once), but it's like after the DC died, Sega went on a tear to make money (and forgot about quality). Games that really should've been fantastic ended up being less than stellar (sonic games, TJ&E III on the Xbox). There's just a pit of five years (2002-now) where there's really nothing to be excited about regarding Sega.

That being said, I'm very excited to see what Sega manages to get done by Christmas time.
MTX is right. Sega games of late have been more of a money grab than the quality games that they should be. I downloaded the Sonic The Hedgehog demo for the 360 because I heard so many bad things about the game that I wanted to try it before I buy it. I cant even pass the demo and it usually has to do with the camera auto rotating making me run in a different direction. Maybe in the actual game there is a setting to change that I dont know but looks like I wont be getting that game anytime soon. I have wanted to try Sonic and the Secret Rings to see if I actually like the game.

Hopefully Nights will be different. Maybe it will since work on a Nights sequel started on the Saturn and later moved to the Dreamcast before being discontinued. That is, if they use any of that material. Maybe Nights will turn things around for Sega. Only time will tell.

On that note...(thanks to Guillaume)

Yes, Sega has been a bit quiet in the middle of this year. I think things should pick up when Nights and Sonic RPG comes. I think it is about time Sega works on a new star character or game franchise instead on relying on the old ones all the time.
Actually, I got very excited recently. The new SEGA Rally made me really want to get a XBox360. Similar for Sonic Rush Adventure, I almost got me a NDS!

Well, almost, my girlfriend was against that. I don't have enough time for playing either.

Unfortunately, I've missed all the SEGA games of the last years, because I missed the consoles they run on, too. My impression was that people do judge SEGA too hard and complain about games that I would enjoy playing, very much.
Amon said:
I have wanted to try Sonic and the Secret Rings to see if I actually like the game.

It's outstanding, but because of the type of game (rails) it relies on repetition to increase replay value (earning medals for beating levels, etc). Basically, it's a great start, but the game felt a little rough around the edges (when comparing it to its 16 bit counterparts).
Maybe sonic on a rail system is where sonic should be since in the 16bit days of sonic he only had 2 real directions to move left and right. Multiple paths all lead to the same thing either back to the start of the level or to the finish. The newer sonic games have levels where you cant truely move in 360 degrees... there is a section which you can move on and the rest conviently kills you or you hit walls/invisible walls. Sonic might do well in a truely 3d world in which you can move anywhere and the camera doesnt point you in the right direction (like in the 360 sonic game or sonic adventure). Who knows. Looks like I will have to pick up the wii sonic game 🙂 as well as Nights this christmas (or whenever its released)
Amon said:
Maybe sonic on a rail system is where sonic should be...

I definitely agree. It's a vast improvement over previous iterations...

Amon said:
... since in the 16bit days of sonic he only had 2 real directions to move left and right. Multiple paths all lead to the same thing either back to the start of the level or to the finish.

...however, it's not a game that I feel like picking up and playing again - because it's on rails there's really no 'exploration', so while in the 16bit era there were only 1 start and end point, there were various routes to discover additional power ups; 'secrets' and that sort of thing.

Or maybe S&tSR has that and I'm missing it. The game doesn't give me reason to think that though.

Don't get me wrong, compared to other sonic games, this one is outstanding. But when you compare it to other flagship games like Mario, you're left wanting just a little bit more.
MTXBlau said:
Don't get me wrong, compared to other sonic games, this one is outstanding. But when you compare it to other flagship games like Mario, you're left wanting just a little bit more.

I agree entirely, however I don't really believe Sonic can be compared to Mario anymore.

The transition to "next-gen" for the Mario type of game has been much more friendly then it was to Sonic, I believe this is caused by the core of what made each game great.

Mario has always been a slower paced game, and just adapts better. About the only way I can see Sonic making a semi-successful transition is in a game like Sonic R, the old type of game play otherwise just doesn't adapt.

Take the new Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox360 and PS3 game -- think about it, would that have ever actually worked? I don't think so. Even with a perfect camera system, going at the speed Sonic should go you'd either have to be on rails like the Wii Sonic game, or be so disoriented the game would be unplayable. Er, I just described the game didn't I?

You did in fact describe it. :-D

I guess the lack of depth is troubling. 16-bit Sonic is excellent in sound, speed, and for the platforming genre. S&tSR, not so much platforming.

I know you have the game, dibz, so you can correct me if I'm wrong but S&tSR is basically fast twitch 'press 2 to jump', 'forward to hit the target', etc. It's almost like Sewer Shark for the Sega CD (but much much better).

Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game, but in the spirit of 16-bit Sonic, it is not.

I think a rails/platforming hybrid would work better for the series and ease the transition. Multiple paths through a level, bring back the emeralds, make interesting boss battles, and you can have a winner with replay value.

I'm looking at a game like 'The Red Star' and seeing the possibilities - for TSR, the beat em up and shooter sections, if set alone, aren't very good but by combining the two there's a perfect mix of action.
Sega has delayed Nights, so we will have to wait a little more for Sega's community wake up 🙂
Well, I'm certainly beginning to wake up. Shining Force 3, scenario 2 is almost completely patched with the translation, apart from the odd bookshelf. It's close enough that I've decided to start playing... so yeah. Everybody else should wake up now.