Sega's E3 Lineup


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Sega's E3 Lineup

Here is what to expect Sega of America to bring to the table at E3!

# Full Auto (Xbox 360) - destructive racing action game

# Condemned: Criminal Origins (Xbox 360) - first person psychological thriller

# Spartan: Total Warrior (PS2,XB,GC)

# Shadow of Hedgehog (PS2,XB,GC)

# Phantasy Star Universe (PS2,PC)

# Shining Force Neo (PS2)

# Virtua Tennis: World Tour (PSP)

# Gunstar Super Heroes (GBA)

# NHL Eastside Hocket Manager 2005 (PC)

# Worldwide Soccer Manager 2006 (PC)

Thanks to the Magic Box for the info.
Sega's E3 Lineup

There is a lot of media on the web for Condemned: Criminal Origins. I think more than any other Xbox 360 title. Based on what I've seen, it looks truly awesome, one of the few games of its type to actually be scary too (or so it seems). The sound effects are fantastic, I watched all the scenes where the main character is fighting bad guys with a lead pipe and it sounds better than anything I've seen in a while.

Out of all those games I'm looking forward to Phantasy Star Universe the most, but why no Xbox or Gamecube versions? Dissapointing.
Sega's E3 Lineup

Yeah, whatever happened to Final Tuned? I thought that was supposed to come out a while ago?