Sega's online survey

Sega's online survey

It seems Sega has posted a poll on their site asking users for feedback about names for new Sonic spin-offs, and preferences for other platform games.

It'll be interesting to see how feedback from this poll will affect what I would assume is the next Sonic game (if it has any effect at all).
Sega's online survey

Great. I just submitted my feedback about a game that's not about Sonic. _sigh_
Sega's online survey

According to Yuji Naka, we're already getting new Sonic games on GC and GBA this year. That's pretty good in my book.

I suspect this is related to Sega's recent interest in 3rd parties developing games with their IPs. In the past, Sonic + 3rd Party games have = some good-ish games (Sonic R, Sonic 3D Blast). Personally, I don't really think they're worthy of the Sonic name, but they're still fun.

I'm totally in favor of them using another Sonic character for their game. In theory, it gives them more freedom with the gameplay. That seems to be what Sega's thinking too, considering some of the names listed there. I mean, "Knuckles: Fists of Fury"? Doesn't sound like a platformer to me.

Personally, I'm optimistic. I mean, if Luigi and Princess Peach get their own game, the supporting cast of Sonic should too. 😛
Sega's online survey

Ummm... Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine???

Knuckles: Chaotik (or however it was spelled, for 32X)???

Sonic characters getting their own game is nothing new. Seems to me they're wondering which characters would sell the best for the next spinoff.
Sega's online survey

Knuckles or Shadow could sell a spin-off. Tails for the younger crowd *possibly*. None of the others though. I mean who would buy a Dr. Robotnik game?
Sega's online survey

I'd buy a Dr. Robotnik game. He's always been one of my favorite characters in the series. I think it would be a lot of fun piloting all of his different contrapions and going around destroying stuff, stealing Chaos Emeralds, etc.
Sega's online survey

an evil-based sonic game w/ knuckles and shadow....errr wait, isn't knuckles good now? Either way, he's still a pimp, lol.

I am down for a game that is fun. None of this exploring shit like in the SA games, those levels blew. I would be ECSTATIC! if they made a whole game w/ sonic/shadow levels 🙂.
Sega's online survey

Originally posted by Pearl Jammzz@Sat, 2005-02-26 @ 02:22 AM

an evil-based sonic game w/ knuckles and shadow....errr wait, isn't knuckles good now? Either way, he's still a pimp, lol.

I am down for a game that is fun. None of this exploring shit like in the SA games, those levels blew. I would be ECSTATIC! if they made a whole game w/ sonic/shadow levels 🙂.

[post=130524]Quoted post[/post]​


The only exploring should be around the same amount as there was in the mega drive games