Silly Windows Question

Ok. When I click on a volume or drive in windows I get a window with its contents.

If I select something from that window, it will select the particular file. Is there any way I can copy and paste the file NAMES from the directory into, say, a text document?

I would like to keep text files of the contents of certain CDs, archives, etc. I have XP. Can any operating system do this?

Did that make sense? :huh
Command line console is your friend 🙂

If you know some basic directory navigation commands, like cd, dir etc..

go to that directory and run: dir /B > list.txt

you'll have a file list.txt on that directory listing the files... 🙂
Thanks Barracuda!

Can you give me a few more examples?

1. What if I am attempting to pull a directory from a drive that is not writeable (like a finished CDR or CD) ? What would the syntax be?

2. Is it possible to get file details in the list like windows provides?
This is just a guess b/c I'm to lazy to test but try:

dir /B > C:\list.txt

If it works like I think it does that would redirect the text file to be written in the c root.
Yes, dir /B > c:\list.txt, would work, but if you want to know more about the files, don't use the /B flag as it only lists filenames... dir /a /o > c:\list.txt will show directories first and then filenames in sorted order with file sizes, dates.. etc.
I love dos. One of my favorite tricks used to be ctrl+p then type filename.txt then ctrl+p again when it's done. Fastest way to print anything 😀 .