STEREO games

I am buying an AV cable for my Genesis because the RF connection sucks.

I have a choice between mono and stereo. Which games are for sure in stereo and which are in mono? Can anyone tell me of a stereo game?
Don't quote me on this, but I think they're all in stereo. I believe the Genesis audio is like the Amiga, where certain channels are either on the left or right side.

Anyway, get the stereo cable, it's well worth it. One game that really uses it nicely is Gunstar Heroes.
The channels on the Genesis aren't hard coded to one channel or the other. You could pan them all to center and produce mono-only output, but I would imagine that few games do this.
Originally posted by jeff-20@Thu, 2005-06-30 @ 03:06 PM

I am buying an AV cable for my Genesis because the RF connection sucks.

I have a choice between mono and stereo. Which games are for sure in stereo and which are in mono? Can anyone tell me of a stereo game?

[post=136044]Quoted post[/post]​

Columns has the sound effects of the jewels on the left or right channel based on which row they are in. (Obviously, if you drop or shift them on the right side, you will get the sound on the right speaker)

Practically every game uses stereo in one way or another, even if for nothing else then getting the music a bit fancier. Don't expect dolby sorround or anything like that....
"Each ring collected sounds alternately in the l/r speaker."

Haha, i know why this game gave me some "epilepsia" when i was playing sonic 1/2 in the train with my nomad... Thx for the info.