Successful teleportation at atomic level


Established Member
According to an article in the journal Nature, scientists in the U.S. and Austria have achieved teleportation at the level of atoms. Previously teleportation was demonstrated only with light from a laser. Teleportation at the atomic level involves changing the state of atoms by the transfer of quantum states between separate atoms. One of the potential uses for teleportation is a quantum-based computer that could operate much faster than any current machine that uses code based on electrical changes. For details see

This development is a long way from the transporters used by Jean-Luc Picard and Captain Kirk in the famous Star Trek TV series.

So awesome. I hope one day we have successful human teleportation. I want that more than flying cars. Man that would make travel so much easier.
even if human teleportation isn't approved, it would make web shopping so much nicer -- shop on the website, checkout, and have your goods teleported to you.
What's being transferred is a pattern of energy, not matter. I'm not even sure that "teleportation" is the right word; it's almost like setting up the alignment of groups of atoms along an invisible dimension. Quantum mechanics is tremendously weird.
I'm not saying it will happen, or that this is even close to teleporting matter. However, I've been in love with teleportation since I saw the original Fly. I just hope one day we have the ability. It's not likely, but i can dream. I would also love to see interstellar travel. I want to see Mars and Jupiter in person. However, I doubt I ever will.
Originally posted by schi0249@Jun 21, 2004 @ 02:29 PM

I want to see Mars and Jupiter in person. However, I doubt I ever will.

Just look at the sky... you can even use a telescope!
I can see from here. Seeing it up close would be much better. You see all these photos from space, and they are so beautiful.
Originally posted by ExCyber@Jun 21, 2004 @ 06:06 PM

What's being transferred is a pattern of energy, not matter. I'm not even sure that "teleportation" is the right word; it's almost like setting up the alignment of groups of atoms along an invisible dimension. Quantum mechanics is tremendously weird.

Yeah, they're teleporting the properties, not the atoms. Would be nice to cut down on latency for my videogames, though. 😉