the most feared


Ban Hammered
Which fanboys should be the most feared?

My choice is zelda fans, a particular breed of Nintendo fanboy. They are quite willing to proclaim Nintendo consoles the most holy of holies right after a zelda title releasal without trying other consoles. I have found the only non-Nintendo console they usually have owned was an Atari. Another problem with this formidable opponent is their sheer size and their zeal to share their kind of "wisdom" through sites and boards. You simply can never shut them up or move them on to another topic.

Maybe I should not blame them for being fanboys. Most of them are young and probably cannot afford the other competing consoles. In my day though I didn't have a rabid fascination for a console because of just one game or series.

OT:Most vintage/retro/classic gamers I have talked to have played Alundra 1 and seem to enjoy it mainly because of how it is quite like LTTP. I was surprised that none of the zelda fans I have talked to admitted to playing it or even just knowing of it. I am pretty sure they would enjoy playing it but their loyalty to Nintendo prevents this.
Well, I am a staffer at a zelda fansite, and a pretty avid zelda fan, but I dont even own a gamecube (yet). But I guess i dont really qualify as a fanboy then, so I cant really argue for or against your arguement. I personally dislike sony fanboys the most, just because i dont like sony.
Even though I blatantly am one myself (as are a lot of others here I guess), I'd say Sega fans are the most 'dangerous'. Mainly for their rampant paranoia and irrational hatred for things which they might otherwise enjoy (PS1/2, Xbox come to mind). Years ago, me and my schoolfriends used to argue endlessly about which was better, Sega or Nintendo, but you'd still secretly love it when you got the chance to play on the system you didn't have. It seems sometimes like the 'fanboys' of today sort of deny themselves the pleasure because of the name on the box.
Quote: from Myname on 8:39 pm on Nov. 16, 2002
Even though I blatantly am one myself (as are a lot of others here I guess), I'd say Sega fans are the most 'dangerous'. Mainly for their rampant paranoia and irrational hatred for things which they might otherwise enjoy (PS1/2, Xbox come to mind). Years ago, me and my schoolfriends used to argue endlessly about which was better, Sega or Nintendo, but you'd still secretly love it when you got the chance to play on the system you didn't have. It seems sometimes like the 'fanboys' of today sort of deny themselves the pleasure because of the name on the box.

I'd have to agree with you there - Sega fanboyism is totally irrational and perhaps the most blatant of them all. I remember an "article" in an old issue of Sega Power that "compared" Sonic to Mario - basically amounted to having a go at the colour schemes! Needless to say I lapped it up completely :)
I'm going to have to go with Sony fanboys.

At my kung fu school, many of the guys there own ps2s. I was involved in a conversation with a few of them discussing various games related things.

Eventually it got onto the topic of PS2 and how awesomely powerful it was. Naturally, being the "fanboy" that I am, I picked up and said, "Have you seen the Gamecube?"
He response "The gamecube is gay!"
"How so?" I asked, "Have you even see one?" (Note: GC is not available in SA)
"No" He replied.
To this I said, "Have a look at Resident Evil on the Gamecube, then tell me that it is gay"

He then laughed and told me that the PS2 had Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, I felt there was no point in arguing further.... :cool:
Quote: from Karny on 4:01 am on Nov. 18, 2002
I'm going to have to go with Sony fanboys.

At my kung fu school, many of the guys there own ps2s. I was involved in a conversation with a few of them discussing various games related things.

Eventually it got onto the topic of PS2 and how awesomely powerful it was. Naturally, being the "fanboy" that I am, I picked up and said, "Have you seen the Gamecube?"
He response "The gamecube is gay!"
"How so?" I asked, "Have you even see one?" (Note: GC is not available in SA)
"No" He replied.
To this I said, "Have a look at Resident Evil on the Gamecube, then tell me that it is gay"

He then laughed and told me that the PS2 had Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, I felt there was no point in arguing further.... :cool:
That is so true.
Sony fan boys are the worst, because the majority of them know nothing about the other consoles or the gaming industry at all. They usually owned a PS1 as their first console and refuse to acknowledge any other consoles.
I had a conversation with one the other day at school, who was joking with some friends about a crappy console he had seen (Master System), he joked about how poor the graphics were and didn't understand that those were groundbreaking at the time, come to think of it, he probably wouldn't know what groundbreaking meant :cheesy:
I used to be a Sega fanboy, but when the dc failed and they gave up on consoles, I bought a gc and now know that the 'evil' Nintendo games I used to shun on Snes are actually very cool. *hugs copy of Animal Crossing* :smile:
MS (X-Box) Fanboys are the worst. At least some of the Sony fanboys have been playing RPGs for ages and can differentiate from a good game and a bad game. Most X-Box fanboys are PC gamers moving into the console scene and they know jack sh**.
Quote: from Rogi on 11:45 am on Nov. 25, 2002
MS (X-Box) Fanboys are the worst. At least some of the Sony fanboys have been playing RPGs for ages and can differentiate from a good game and a bad game. Most X-Box fanboys are PC gamers moving into the console scene and they know jack sh**.

We all new jack shit once. Does that sentance sound funny to anyone else, or is it just me?
Not all PC gamers know Jack about RPGs. I have been playing them since PS 1. But I was also playing PC rpgs like Ultima.
Playing them since ps1 :biggrin:
A Sony fanboy working in my local gamestation tryed to stop me buying a model 1 saturn, saying that I should get a ps1 instead because they are much more poplular, so therefore better. I explained that I already had a Saturn and started to argue with him, but saw that it was pointless, as he just went on about me and my mates wearing clothes, which are popular, so we should own psx's.
As it happens, the saturn didn't work, so maybe he knew something I didn't :cheesy:
Now whenever me and my friends go into town we visit Craig (it said his name on the bottom of my reciept) and ask him stupid questions about stuff in the shop :biggrin: