Indeed. Something else to note - the FBI was (originally) primarily meant to Investigate things after/while the incident occured/occurs. Now that they (and other agencies such as Homeland) are being set up to PREVENT, they are going to need the ability to do things like tap communications. Otherwise, how the heck do you catch and stop bad stuff? I do agree that the Patriot Act should and probably will be moderated. As Sundance said, things have a way of working themselves out in the system - it isn't all bad.
As an aside, I might also note that the FBI *rarely* acts in haste, so when you wonder why it takes them so long to do something, it is because they generally do really thorough investigations. They need to really get everything and nail them, they try and leave the hasty botched investigations to more local law enforcement whenever possible. Although, being human beings, they suck and make mistakes.
Ooh, amazingly enough I thought of something else to throw out there. Part of the reason why the CIA and FBI have had such poor communication (as we discussed last week in my Govt class) is because they were set up to have poor/slow lines of communication. That may sound stupid, and it is changing, but it did have a purpose. The CIA can only operate outside, the FBI mostly inside. The idea of having two seperate organizations was to PREVENT some 1984-ness. Imagine if the FBI/Homeland didn't exist, and there was only the CIA for everything? Sure, they'd share information pretty easily... at any rate, they realized that the system was outdated and flawed, and better coodination is being put in place between the FBI, Homeland, and the CIA.