To the forum chess players...


Established Member
White's moves: D4 D5 E4 Nc3

I've been checking on google and a couple of chess sites, I can't find it.

It's basically pushing two pawns, and having a knight protect it. It can also be down on the other side of the board.
When I play chess I just move the peices at random without any thought 😀

Confuses the heck out of my oponents.
Originally posted by IceMan2k@Sep 30, 2003 @ 09:05 PM

When I play chess I just move the peices at random without any thought 😀

Confuses the heck out of my oponents.

haha, same here. i don't know any strategies, i think about 2 turns ahead.
Chess is a cool game.

That's why I like games like Shining Force and Advance Wars -- they are just like an adaptation of chess.