Trigger Heart Exelica For Dreamcast (2/22/2007)


Staff member

Again a new shooter for the DC :rock:

source : IGN
of course it's cool, since shooters are one of my favorite games. But, it just seems like since the late 90s, shooters have been having some kind of contest to see who can possibly get he most bullets on screen at a time.

Seems like there's certain types of shooters:

1. Sparse enemies, slow moving gameplay, lots of slow moving bullets (popular in the mid to late 80's)

2. Many enemies, fast moving gameplay, fewer fast moving bullets

(popular in the late 80's to early 90's)

Both can be subdivided into

A. Random enemies

B. Pattern enemies

3. Moderate number of enemies, but harder to kill (multiple hits instead of single hits) (popular in all the 90's).

4. Moderate number of enemies, but tons of bullets, and more slow-to-kill mid-bosses with tons of bullets (popular in the late 90's to 2000's)

5. Mostly all mid and full bosses that are hard to kill and launch absurd amounts of bullets (popular in the 2000's)

Now, Personally, I didn't care much for the old slower #1. I like the old-school #2s, but moderate-speed ones are good if they have the Pattern enemy time.

I don't care much for games where all the enemies off the bat are hard to kill. I like blasting through patterns, rather than hitting one enemy after another constantly for 5 seconds to destroy it.

A single mid-boss is a good way to break up a long level, especially if they're interesting. But the trend of having just boss after boss after boss is boring. The main fun of the shooter is blasting through hordes of enemies, and the boss is just the end challenge, the accomplishment.

And some of the new games were the screen is just constantly filled with an absurd amount of patterned bullets just aren't as fun. You spend all your time trying to ride the tunnels inbetween the bullet pattern waves, and no time zipping around shooting things.

I like a game that leans a bit more on the offensive, rather than being too heavy on the defensive, where you'll die if you don't spend all your attention evading bullets.
You have direct-linked an image belonging to (the third one).

As stated in our Terms of Use: ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF ANY OF THE CONTENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Our Terms of Use can be found here:

The Triggerheart Exelica review in question where the image was hotlinked from can be found here:

Please remove the image immediately. A public apology would also be appreciated.


Alex Kierkegaard
VBT, Remove the images and let us get on with our lives. Asking for a "public apology" for linking is a bit too much.
icycalm said:
You have direct-linked an image belonging to (the third one).

As stated in our Terms of Use: ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF ANY OF THE CONTENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Our Terms of Use can be found here:

The Triggerheart Exelica review in question where the image was hotlinked from can be found here:

Please remove the image immediately. A public apology would also be appreciated.


Alex Kierkegaard

Ok I removed the picture sorry if i hurted you.

Piratero said:
VBT, Remove the images and let us get on with our lives. Asking for a "public apology" for linking is a bit too much.

done, i have to hang up myself now.
Piratero said:
VBT, Remove the images and let us get on with our lives. Asking for a "public apology" for linking is a bit too much.

Well, that's the problem. If the man had actually linked me, instead of just copy-pasting my screenshot, then I would have looked the other way. Instead, he preferred to link the goddamn crappy IGN, which doesn't even have a review of the game...

But you guys aren't the worst. There are people stealing my videos and uploading them to YouTube, or even copy-pasting whole paragraphs from my website to their blogs and never even mentioning insomnia.

Chasing irresponsible website-owners accross the internet can be a full-time job these days.
icycalm said:
Well, that's the problem. If the man had actually linked me, instead of just copy-pasting my screenshot, then I would have looked the other way.

You can block direct linking if you don't want to see your pictures on other sites. I'll avoid your site now.

Instead, he preferred to link the goddamn crappy IGN, which doesn't even have a review of the game...

Yes because I found the news on IGN and wanted to add a third picture. I used google and that's all.

But you guys aren't the worst. There are people stealing my videos and uploading them to YouTube, or even copy-pasting whole paragraphs from my website to their blogs and never even mentioning insomnia.


Chasing irresponsible website-owners accross the internet can be a full-time job these days.

sure it must take time.
icycalm said:
Well, that's the problem. If the man had actually linked me, ... he preferred to link the goddamn crappy IGN, ... But you guys aren't the worst. ...Chasing irresponsible website-owners accross the internet can be a full-time job these days.

Icycalm, though I doubt you'll return, I will first say that I do emphathize with you, having recently gone through my own cases of being the victim of internet plagiarism. I understand and agree with your rights and your concern.

However, from much experience, I will say that you will consistently gain much better long-term results from a more polite approach. Simply e-mailing the admin or PMing VBT with a polite note would have solved this quickly, quietly, and peacefully. If you wished to add publicity for your site, you could have simply posted linking to your site and said you have a good review and screenshots of it.

Perhaps we deserve to be yelled at, I'm not denying that. But I'm just saying that in the long run, making friends and getting other websites within the gaming community to support yours is better than possibly making enemies. Because of this tirade against our site, some members might choose not to visit your site anymore, and I doubt that's what you really wanted. Sometimes being right doesn't equal winning.
Very true words JMT.

On that note, you should apply hotlinking protection to your site icycalm if that is the case. SX makes use of this as well, noting that only certain areas are protected.
Wise words, indeed.

However, I just get pissed off when I see that 334 people saw my picture from Sega Extreme, and not a single one of them visited my actual review, because the guy who grabbed the picture from my site -- who didn't even bother grabbing it and uploading it to his own server! -- didn't even bother linking me.

It just gets on my nerves like you wouldn't believe.

And then he goes and links IGN -- the kind of site that, when they even bother to review shooters -- give them a low score because "they can be finished in 20 minutes by credit-feeding".

So yeah, I am an abrasive guy and I get pissed off easily. But if some Sega Extreme members might choose not to visit my site anymore because of this "tirade", then they are the kind of people I wouldn't want visiting my site in the first place.

You are right, making friends is smarter than pissing people off with tirades, but I just have to act the way I feel -- consequences be damned.

Anyway, you guys could have simply deleted my comments, yet you left them, and you replied very politely, so as far as I am concerned we are cool, and this misunderstanding is behind us.

Take it easy.