Um hi?


.....h-how did you know about me? :blush:
I'm soothsayer 🙂 No basically, I clicked on your homepage and saw I had to register, so I tried to find what is on your forum with google 🙂
Oh, if you want to go in, you can register. I set it up so nothing can enter because of a stalker who cracked three other forums I had keeps lurking around.

I'll let you in no sweat.
Hi Etna, or, Kasumi is it? I actually opened your forums as well, but haven't even looked at the tab I opened it in yet. I hope you enjoy SegaXtreme, it's always nice to see new people.
You're also allowed to register and be accepted (If I see your name, that is...)

Thanks for the warm welcomings everyone. 🙂
I was in Japan drinking by the riverside with friends. That fro got passed around more than a cheerleader in the boys locker room. 😉