UnUnknown GI JOE, with a Sand Burying Citadel...

I remember watching back in 1988-1989, a long movie-like episode of G I JOE, (I think it consisted of 3 or 4 episodes). The story as I vaguely remember it goes like this:

The Cobra constructed a pyramid-like Citadel in the middle of a vast desert, which had the ability to bury it’s self beneath the sand in order to protect it’s self from air strikes & it could then rise from the sand like an elevator.

There was also a satellite which could fire a destructive laser beam against any ground target & at some point it gets scattered into 4 pieces. Then there was a race between Cobra & the Joes, in order for the two opposing groups to collect the 4 pieces from the 4 corners of the earth 1st.

I also remember a fight inside the Citadel between a purple Mech with a cobra head against another yellow Mech thing.

The film ends with the Joe F-14 Fighters flying inside the Citadel & destroying the elevator generator right before it would bury it self beneath the sand, leaving it half buried for the ground forces to finish it.

These episodes might have been released on Laser Disc back then, but I could be wrong.

This was not the: “G I Joe - The Pyramid of Darkness / The Further Adventures of G I Joe” which consisted of 5 episodes by the way.

Does anybody know the exact name of these specific episodes / series, so that I can look it up?

Thanks in advance.