Whats your favorite online gaming shop?


Staff member
Whats your favorite online gaming shop?

Just curious as to where everybody shops and why.

When I buy games online it is always from eBay. Amazon.com is always good, I buy all my CDs from them, but I never see any reason to order games from them because I can get the same thing from the brick and mortar stores without waiting for shipping.
ebay.... I don't really ever use anyone else unless its through some random purchase and I don't remember who I used.

Then I am also on Newegg like ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

[EDIT]Oh and don't for get the BST section of SX!
gaming? don't buy much gaming stuff anymore....none of the new shit is any good. But as far as online purchases in general, newegg can't be beat 😛.
I get a lot of stuff from EBAY as well. I used to get quite a bit from wolfgames too. EBGames is a good place to check out screenshots/general info before buying games as well lol.
For older stuff, GOAT Store and j2games are both good. I also buy a lot of new games from ebgames, and imports from play-asia and palet mail. I use ebay occasionally, but generally only if I can't find something for a decent price anywhere else.
Gaming... I acutally haven't bought much recently -- I've actually be renting with my free coupons from my Blockbuster Online membership.

Quite a good deal. But if there is a game I must own I'll usually just buy at Walmart/Target/Best Buy. If it's a harder to find game and I want it new, I'll go Amazon.

If used, I'll go eBay
Ebay, Amazon and Play.com are the only places I buy games online. I used to like Yahoo UK Auctions, but that got taken down a few years ago.