Whats your favorite PC Demo?

If good ol' Shareware counts, Shareware Doom is the best.

Knee Deep in The Dead is the best nine levels of Doom period. That includes episodes II, III, and IV, Doom II, and Final Doom.

Hell, they're probably my favorite levels in all FPS games.
Um, I hate to be cliche, but I'll have to go with Second Reality out of the few PC demos I've seen. Farb-Rausch has some quite impressive stuff though.
Yes, farb was going to be my choice. Their 64Kb stuff is amazing, but "The Popular Demo" is pretty good too. If we were talking C64, I'd have to say Beyond Imagination 2. I loved the muzak in that demo. 🙂
Heh..yes, Second Reality is a classic. Anyone seen the C64 version? It's pretty good.

I know I've seen a couple of PC demos that I prefer, but right now Jizz by TBL is the one that comes to mind.

I'm more of an Amiga demo guy, however (I have a whole CD of them somewhere).. some of my favorites include:

State Of The Art (Spaceballs) - classic!

3D Demo ][ (Anarchy) - always liked the music and the starwars scroller is pretty cool.

242 (Virtual Dreams/Fairlight) - pretty cool for the time, features some neat video compression.

edit - there's also this one demo by Kefrens that I can't remember the name of, but it's pretty awesome, if only for the big cannon that emerges from one of the pyramids.

I'm also a huge fan of Da Jormas... I like just about all of their stuff, more for the music than for the technical part of the demos though, obviously.