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  1. M

    question on SS emu called Satourne

    Another question again, lol. I got these errors when I did what you told me to do with the bin files and I made they were not corrupt. Even though I downloaded the english version, it gives an error in French. Does anyone know what this means? 1.erreur au chargement de la libraie ASPI 2.erreur...
  2. M

    question on SS emu called Satourne

    thx for the help.
  3. M

    question on SS emu called Satourne

    Have any of you ever gotten the Satourne emu where it can run? I don't understand what to get and how to configure it properly so it would a great help if someone could help me because this is a really great SS emu. Thx a lot. (Link to their homepage)