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  1. B

    Controller released

    Yeah, the DS kinda scared me too... but look at it now. It's doing better than the PSP :)
  2. B

    You saw it right?

    Read the other 2 news articles that are on the front page of the site that deal with this thing... your answers are contained there. yes, there are 3 different items on the news page about the same thing, i don't know why.
  3. B

    Rev. GC controler

    It's a mock-up thrown together by IGN in photoshop... Nintendo has yet to release any pictures of the Shell/Cradle device they discuss. But they have confirmed that it will be made and what it will do, so at least we know that much.
  4. B

    Controller released

    that pic is just a mock-up pic thrown together by IGN in photoshop... geeze, i said all this stuff in my post >.<
  5. B

    Controller released

    If I were working for Nintendo's marketing department, I'd propose the idea of my "Old School Controller Adapter". I mean, they could make money off of that and off of brand new old console controllers. I mean, isn't Nintendo in the business of making up silly peripherals just to make more...
  6. B

    Controller released

    I don't know what they're "smocking" but I'm sure it really doesn't matter. This thing looks pretty sweet, but they're gonna have to do something more to make it compatable with fighting games. there's not enough buttons on the damn thing, not nearly enough. And this thing will definately not...
  7. B

    Tetris (NES)

    I can't remember the actual translation but I do know that Tetris is essentially a computerized version of an old Russian puzzle game. It was developed on computers long before it came out on any consoles and the rights for Tetris were fought over for quite sometime before it found a nice home...
  8. B

    GB Micro price and release date set.

    It wont sell... it's just not practical.
  9. B

    Zelda:TP Delay

    If they're pushing it out til next year they may as well just start remaking it for the revolution... bloody hell, oh well... first they say "6/6/2005" then they say "11/1/2005" now they're saying... "Sometime next year" WTF??? This special crap better be hellaincredible and hellaexciting or...
  10. B

    Happy Birthday VirtuaBoy

    I wonder how many bottles of alcohol have been consumed in the collective effort to forget this misbegotten misfit... i'll bet it's up in the billions now :P I'm only kidding. The VB was probably just misunderstood.
  11. B

    Donkey Kong Country 2

    I'm not so new to this and the stuff still ain't playin. Whatever happened to the good ole days when everything was about the straight up 128kbps mp3? Eh, i forget... some people are still stuck with the dial up, >.<. I feel for y'all, I used to wait forever for music too. Anyway, I'll see what...
  12. B

    Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble

    This game is pretty fun, albeit a little bit on the easy side. Haven't heard the music in like, 8 years... so I'll check it out and see if it brings back any memories.
  13. B

    Final Fantasy

    The GBA version's pretty good... albeit much easier than the original NES version. I walked up to Chaos and smacked him with a fly swatter and he went down hard ;) This game is a great game... even if some of those "FFVII Recruits" didn't like it very much. It's not as big on the story end as...
  14. B

    RTS Games for the DS?

    Yeah... a new D would be great. I suggest playing Sacred. I hear it's just like Diablo, except with insanely huge maps. Of course, I have yet to play it myself since Guild Wars just plain rocks. In other news... Nintendo is the best! Viva la Revolution!!!!!
  15. B

    RTS Games for the DS?

    I wouldn't exactly call D2 an RTS. It's more or less a Dungeon Crawler. Besides, I've already played D2 to death and Bnet is just plain crappy nowadays. Blizzard's support team just blows. I guess StarCraft and WarCraft would do great though. I hope they go after that.
  16. B

    Oh goodie.....more Pokemon!

    I must agree with both of you. Pokemon is a good game concept, therefor it sells really friggin good and is probably one of the few things keeping Nintendo afloat at the moment. At the same time, I think that this franchise is getting to the "Dead Horse" stage. No matter how they wrap it up...
  17. B

    Nintendogs for the US

    I wonder what people thought of Super Mario Bros. when they first saw it... :P Honestly... I think it's easier taking care of a real pet than one of those digital ones... but then again, I haven't had a real pet of my own for quite a while (allergies)... but i will be getting a cat sometime down...
  18. B


    Konami had some of the coolest box covers... along with Tecmo... at least, i thought so back then :)
  19. B

    Crystal Chronicles 2?

    Well... FFXII comes out sometime in the future... too bad it's for the PS2. I don't think Tactics could be considered a series... there was Tactics, then Tactics Advance which is like Tactics on Acid... not that it's bad or anything, it's just that they re-wrote the story while on acid. Advent...
  20. B

    Crystal Chronicles 2?

    You know what? I think we could use FF7, 8 and 9 redone exclusively for the Revolution... that'd be killer. Of course, when i say "redone" i really mean it. Like, go through and practically remake all 3 games... mainly just the graphics and stuff :)