1TB Discs

They claim a write speed of 1 gigabyte per second. Can you imagine the RAID array that would be needed to sustain that?

More interesting though, is that they want to make it possible to produce discs that have both a holographic layer and a DVD-compatible layer. This could be a big deal in terms of actually getting support behind the technology.
That is some awesome technology. Trying to get it compatible to DVD is real smart. I would love to be able to ghost my entire machine onto a single self booting disc.
Yep, DVD was a stupid technology (still is).

This sounds about the right size medium for a while.
If it werent for DVD we'd still be watching VHS and VCD... 480X480 max res doesn't sound nice to me.... they didnt have this kind of technology when it came out. A cheap large medium that can be massed produced and compact for merchandising purposes is a great idea.... it was just on the data level for comp users, it was the implementation for movies. And sorry bro, if it werent for DVD, games on your XBOX and PS2 would not be possible. DOOM3 would be on 10 CD's.

i dont find that stupid.
And sorry bro, if it werent for DVD, games on your XBOX and PS2 would not be possible.

Most of the data on DVD-based PS2 and Xbox games is not game data; the games would generally still be possible, there would just be more of a tendency to use engine-based cutscenes and synthesized music.
well i didnt know that bout doom3.... BUT, ummm engine based cutscenes and seythesized music, hrmmmmm, soooo, your saying we wouldnt have what we have on the systems right now.
Stupid as in there isn't a huge reason to switch to dvd over cd. I mean it's less then a 4x increase in data storage over a 650mb cd. Compare this to cd which was 600x increase over floppy drives.

Edit: This ignores the whole format war as well. If you read a article from slashdot from a few days earlier, they talk about 2 more standards coming out as well.
The only reason the format war is turning out so huge, is do to the CD rom patents. Companies see the amount of money Sony and the other holder collect for the use of "their" technology. Their is a lot of money made in those royalties. Due to that, every company wants to create a standard. More money. Don't blame the medium.

However, I do agree from a pc user stand point. The storage space difference from cd to dvd is small. I rarely use my DVD burner. It only gets use for burning movies. My father in law works is on this stuff. Even he admits that the current DVD storage technology is short term. However, for movies, it will be more long term.
I agree with Slinga. DVD's are stupid. They have slow reading/writing speeds, hold a bit more space but cost a lot more that getting the same space in CDs. They die faster..

And my argument is in regards to using DVD's as a data backup tool. I'm not complaning about the clear video display. ;)
Either he sells a DVD-R(+R) for REAL REAL REAL cheap, or his CD-R's are INSANELY overpriced. Which is it? can we get some figures?
While the difference between DVDs and CDs isn't that great, I do prefer backing up my pirated anime in DVDs than CDs. It's much more confortable to have en entire series in a single disc than having it spawn 6~7 discs.
Hrmmm, and still my point holds.... its a VIDEO medium. and a genious one at that. look at the stinking name, digital video disc. And it delivers everything it has too. We've had to put up for years with dual disc VCD's and giant Laser Discs bigger then my records and shatter like glass. and i dare not look at a VHS.... (thank god beta tapes never made it big, 8-track of the video age.) so, hrmmm, a disc cheap to make, that supplies what it needs. And only what it needs. Marketing wise, you never wanna give more then necessary, people will feel jipped if they received a 50 gig disk with only 10 gigs used. I think the medium was ingenious.... and still believed it added to the videogame inustry alot. Why did CD systems get its biggest boom... VIDEO, DVD allowed for higher quality video, better surround sound music and a huge game all on one disc. yeah we could have game engine movies like in jet set radio or skies of arcadia... but why do you think ff sales so good... ITS BEAUTIFUL. the DVD was not a bad invention at all.
eh... and no ones perfect, atleast you learn new things as long as theres people like you around. And that is not sarcasm.
Actually, it's can be either. But I prefer versatile anyway.

Anyway, when I saw the title of the thread, I thought about data storage, not video quality medium. And I'm pretty sure most of the other users thought the same as me. And I'm also pretty sure everyone here knows that DVD's are a better video mediums than VCD's, or VHS. But for data storage, it's a different story ;)

I understand the convenience of having all your stuff on fewer discs (M3d10n), but if it's something that doesn't need to be on a DVD, I'm not going to shell out extra cash for a slower (read/write), more sensitive (to damage), and shorter lasting (life) medium. :blush: