2 more weeks!!!!

You know after reading some of these posts I must say many of you really should read the Zombie Survival Guide, they bring up many excellent points reguarding the usefulness of many cliche weapons, flamethrowers particularly.

Although the book isn't the final word on zombie scenarios (it's all fiction of course and goes with the virus-induced variation) I DO think an MMORPG based on it's rules and standards would be entertaining as hell! Party up and traverse online recreations of several real-world cities! It'd be an MMORPG I'd be willing to pay for!

Know that sounds cool. It would however require some major server farm to have it contain many of the major cities. Imagine how cool it would be to be trapped in the Eiffel Tower and have zombies coming after you.
Originally posted by MTXBlau@Mar 11, 2004 @ 06:15 AM

Actually, you'd be surprised how often the issue of flammable pajamas comes up. The lesson here is stay away from pajamas. EVEN IF they claim to be flame retardent (especially if they claim that).

Not to mention pants. Don't you hate pants???

Iceman: Knowing my luck I'd be the first one to encounter the largest concentration of zombies...
Originally posted by IceMan2k@Mar 11, 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Capcom is comming out with a resident evil game like that. :cheers

no no....outbreak blows. i had to beta test it. theres no voice chat, no regular chat and no lobby system. you play with whoever they set you up with. it makes the game more "suspensefull" that way. stupid i say. yeah having 4 idiots on my team just makes me want to waste my time. its just really bad all around. a team based game where you can only use a couple pre determined phrases thru gamepad shortcuts does not bode well with me.
VERY good film. Just saw it today. It really does deviate from the original. The only similarities are the mall. I loved it.
Originally posted by IceMan2k@Mar 21, 2004 @ 03:46 AM

VERY good film. Just saw it today. It really does deviate from the original. The only similarities are the mall. I loved it.

Yeah, apparently they did some research and determined zombies aren't really all that slow, which is reflected in the new movie.
I dunno if I wanna see this film, the last "horror" movie I rented was "28 Days Later", and I didn't like it. Lousy writing. The ending made no sense at all, everyone just sorta went nuts for a while, then miraculously some of the protagonists made it out. And the premise was stupid too--a guy wakes up in the hospital from a coma in the middle of a zombie outbreak? Wouldn't the first victims of the outbreak have ended up somehow at the hospital, sniffed him out, and nailed him? I regretted renting that one... <tsk> :huh: .

I'll stick to my Evil Dead and Army of Darkness, thankye very much :p