32x sound

Does the 32x have any additional sound functions above what genny can do?

Audio seems to not get mixed when routed through the 32x (I have cracked the 32x to look) audio goes in and goes out and does not go anywhere else inside the 32x AFAICT.
I remember reading about this...No, the 32x simply adds a layer of graphics onto the Genesis. It has no sound functions.
hmmm, the box says "Delivers stereo digital audio with programmable sample rates; audio mixing with Genesis sound" seems a bit misleading because audio apears to route from in to out on 32x (no mixing going on there). If there is some kind of sound capability it mixes with genny audio in a different way than video.
Even if it doesn't process the audio signal "on the fly", it could still be used by the Genesis to mix or synthesize audio that's then output via the normal Genesis hardware.