Amusement Vision makes XBox Commitment


Established Member
According to SPOnG, Toshihiro Nagoshi and Amusement Vision (Sega Developer) have commited to three titles due to come out this year. The only definate one named is SpikeOut Extreme, which was previously cancelled for the DC. A new Daytona game is also speculated.
I know it's just Spong's speculation, but I doubt one of these will be a new Daytona since in his magazine article (which I always seem to be banging on about) Nagoshi said AV are working on three original projects, rather than sequels.

Hopefully an 'original project' might stretch to meaning a port of Ollie King, but since that's an arcade game it's probably in the same boat as Outrun 2.
I don't think it is QUITE in the same boat as Outrun. But if he said original projects, I don't think a home port comes to mind. It'd be pretty cool though!
Spikeout (the one that was supposed to come out on DC but never did) is sort of a cross between a 3D streets of rage and a vs. fighter like VF. You basically get to go around an area beating up alot of badguys but you can perform combos to do progresively more damaging moves. Neat game really or at least the arcade I saw here looked neat when someone played it.