Any programmers here besides me?


Established Member
I was just wondering if there are any other programmers here on SX. Especially if you do it for a living.

I'm a COBOL (yes, that "old" language) here in the Bay Area doing all sorts of number-crunching, check-printing, and other fun stuff like that.

I'd be interested to know what any other programmers do around here.
I am an aspiring AI and physical simulation programmer. C++ and Windows are the language and the platform of choice. My two big parallel projects involve Neural Networks and a particle-based physical simulation engine. The Neural Network is learning to draw lines on the screen. The particles of the engine can adhere to each other, break apart, react to and exert forces.
Originally posted by Rumata@June 26 2002,08:48

I am an aspiring AI and physical simulation programmer. C++ and Windows are the language and the platform of choice. My two big parallel projects involve Neural Networks and a particle-based physical simulation engine. The Neural Network is learning to draw lines on the screen. The particles of the engine can adhere to each other, break apart, react to and exert forces.

sweet -- little out of my field, but cool!

C++ is a very nice language -- probably one of my top 3 languages.

I love to do web programming on the side, but haven't had much time to.
I'm a programmer under multiple W32 language, especially with VB,C++,php,windev,fox pro,JAVA. Sometime TCL/TK,Open Basic under UNIX and an ASM debugueur...

We work (at my job) on a database with more than 180 tables in it too.

My skills are situated on the TCP/IP protocol. At this time, i'm working on a RAS dialup connection and a FTP client (the FTP server will come later).
I'd love to be able to take up either emualtion programming or Dreamcast programming -- MacOS X looks promising too. Haven't looked into it too much. I use Windows, but don't enjoy it.

I just wish I had the time to program outside of work. Maybe once I get settled down after my wedding next week. Who knows.

Anyway, here's the languages I've used:





Visual Basic (6, .Net)



Misc Web Scripting

Here at work we have 100s of [messy] tables too. We're in the process of converting them over to a relational db. It will probably take a few years to finish the whole process of converting everything over and changing all of our 100s of programs.
It seems like every message board I visit, I'm the only person who's not in the computer science field

On the upside, it gives me a great feeling of future job security