Are these games any good?

hi, im looking forward to get these saturn games...i like action, shooters, adventure but not really rpg games...give me ur opinions what are the good games i listed? and other games i should try..thanks


Bug Too

Capcom Generation 1

Capcom Generation 2

Capcom Generation 3

Capcom Generation 4


Darius II

Maximum Force

Steamgear Mash

Three Dirty Dwarves

Twinklestar Sprites

Shiroki Majo: Mouhitotsu no Eiyuu Densetsu

Sakura Wars 2

Initial D

Space Carrier (harrier? ..i think?)

Bug Too

Good plataformers, a tad repetitive (mostly Bug 1). REpetitivity aggravated by the soundtrack.

Capcom Generation 1

1942, 1943, and 194X, very good Capcom vertical shooters. Good if you like shooters :p

Capcom Generation 2

Ghouls 'n Goblins, Ghouls 'n Ghosts and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. Awesome games that are a fond memory of my youth. Hard, *very* hard games. If you played the old GnG games and loved them (as many, many people), picke this one ASAP. If GnG is too much for your pussy hands, skip it :p

Capcom Generation 3

Exed Exes, Pirate Ship Higemaru, Son Son and Vulgus. I haven't played those, nor I played this compilation... can't comment.

Capcom Generation 4

Commando, Gun Smoke and Mercs 2, all similar shooters. I find them fun, mostly Mercs 2.

Good plataformer, good (but a tad repetitive) music, and unbeliveable graphics. This has to be one of the finest looking Saturn games I ever seen, but it's rarely mentioned in discussions about 3D saturn games. The game itself is a cross between Mario64 and Tomb Raider, with a buttload levels. I liked it, but I didn't feel like playing through it again after I was done. It gets *very* cheap sometimes and can be a bit frustating.

Darius II

Good shooter, nothing spetacular, unless you're a Darius whore.

Maximum Force

I really don't like this game. It looks horrible and feels awkward. Steer clear from it.

Steamgear Mash

This one is loads of fun. Isometric shooting action game, looks like a kids' Final Zone. Me likes.

Three Dirty Dwarves

This one is another fun game. Good 2D graphics and tons of humour. The trio gameplay can be interesting at times.

Twinklestar Sprites

Hmm... haven't played this one.

Shiroki Majo: Mouhitotsu no Eiyuu Densetsu

Nani? Hmmm... a rought attempt at translating... isn't this Legend of Heroes III? That's one game I haven't even seen an *screenshot* of, let alone having nay hopes of playing it. O've only played LoH I, on the Genesis, and very briefly. It looked good on the genny. Ah, there is a Legend of Heroes collection fot the Saturn and the PSX too... yet another game I think I'll never get my hands on, right there along with Söldnerschild...

Sakura Wars 2

Turn based strategy with dating sim elements. The strategy part is good, if you're into it, but you'll be lost if you can't understand the game, or doesn't have a translation guide, and won't enjoy much of it if you don't care about the characters' love-adventures.

Initial D

Racing game... with dating sim elements. Need I say it's in full, hot, Japanese?

Seriously, I havent played it.

Space Carrier (harrier? ..i think?)

It's Space Harrier. Didn't you play that in the arcades/Master System/Genesis when you were a kid? It's good if you dig the original. Hard, hard, hard arcade behind-the-back shooter. Insanely fast-paced. Did I mention hard? ;)

Can also be found at Golden Square, in Wan Chain, in Shenmue 2 (Dreamcast). 5 bucks a quarter.
I don't think Maximum Force is that bad. Area 51 felt better is all. Maximum Force's three levels feel like independent pieces, no flow and no real ending.

Oh, as for Three Dirty Dwarves, tough little game at parts, like when the crazy duct tape lady gets you, and some interestingly, unique boss battles.
three dirty dwarves...hmm is that game like a type of beat em up game? its seems really interesting... well bout darius 2 , hmm there is a game for playstation i think its called darius that similar to that? isnt that game where u get to steal enemy's ships n airplanes and control them n fight besides u? space harrier..well that game i kinda played it on genesis but forgot bout it...n was wondering if graphics improved or same? as goes for inital d ...the cars are in 3d graphics right? if so ..does it suk n look all nasty ..or grand turismo is better looking than that? about capcom generation 1 isnt those games ..i think i played them in nes? am i right?
Initial D looks pretty good. it's a good lil racing game for sure. it doesn't have the car selection like GT and it's all in Japanese.