Astra Superstars: I'd like to remove the constant flashing

If anyone's familiar with Sunsoft's fighting game Astra Superstars for ST-V and Saturn, it's that it's almost constantly flashing lights and colours to the point of discomfort for some people.

I'd like to make a romhack of Astra Superstars that reduces the flashing as much as possible, or removes it entirely. However, I don't really know where to start. I apologise for approaching this knowing effectively nothing, but looking around for Saturn-related tools and documentation hasn't given me much of an indication of what my starting point should be.
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I'd suggest booting the game up on Yabause for starters, and trying to understand how this is being rendered first. (VDP1 or VDP2).
I'd suggest booting the game up on Yabause for starters, and trying to understand how this is being rendered first. (VDP1 or VDP2).
So far, I've identified that the menu text is being rendered in VDP2 (I figured static text that alternates red and white would be a relatively straightforward place to start). Specifically, it's on the NBG2 layer. I've got four 'plane' addresses, but nothing more concrete than that. I've been able to dump the VDP2 RAM and CRAM, but I'm not sure where to go from there.