
Established Member
Just got home from seeing AVP... everything i wanted, lacked a couple small things, but hey can't expect the greatest acting when Anderson is at the helm... you can expect awesome action scenes which this movie is plenty full of... Oh, and, I LOVE THE END.

i was the first to see it, neener neener neener, i was the first to see it
I'm really hoping that it isnt crap; keep in mind that im very critical anyway so needless to say that my expectations are high. Although living in Oz means that i will have to wait a fair while before it reaches our sunny shores.
Wait. You mean it is actually worth watching? God, I was expecting a load of crap, given the uber-fecal nature of movies in the lastest years and the ongoing trend to destroy good franchises with horrible movies.
I was worried it was just going to be lame cheezy CG aliens and predators doing non-rated R battles with characterless pretty-faced models like, say, every action movie that's come out since the mid 90's.

My hopes aren't too high. About the same as my hopes for Episode III SDFIC.

With Hollywood movies, you have to go into it with really low expectations to derive any enjoyment at all. You can't be dissappointed if you expect everything to suck.
mountaindud has it got it right... i mean as an alien movie it isnt as good as any of the others... well i liked it better then 2.

As an action film anderson did a great job, and he did his damndest to use as much real animatronic special effects over cg. even the original team who worked on the other alien's special effects worked with him. Don't expect wonderful acting, but as an action film its great, and its great in comparison to predator... i mean come on you can't say predator wasn't a tacky 80's action film.

I just got back from seeing it about half an hour...

Had to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life....

The characters were flat and boring (the only remotely interesting one was the Aztec guy). The black chick (main character) was annoying as hell, I wanted her to die so badly. And why the hell Lance Henriksen was in it is beyond me. My fanfics have better character development, which is kinda sad...

The two emotional moments between the Pred and Lex was just... Ugh... It looked like they were gonna make out at one point! I also hated the part where they're running away from the explosion of the pyramid... Ugh... It just made the Pred seem like a complete wuss...

And the way the Queen Alien was killed and the way she acted during the final battle... It looked like something out of Jurassic Park! Hello! This is the biggest of the Aliens! Not a T-Rex!

The only part I liked was the ending, and the part where it talks about why everything goes down. THAT WAS IT!

Due to it being 1:30 Hours, I was afraid there wouldn't be much, due to the first fourty five minutes or so being just the humans. Turns out even if they had all the time in the world, the same bullshit would've happened, and it would've sucked just as much ass....

Also, if the ORIGNAL Pred was in there, He would've owned all. He wouldn't need the other two, He wouldn't need to have wasted his time making those weapons for Lex. He wouldn't need any help or anything. When he made those weapons out of the Alien body for Lex... That had to be the single gayest thing I'd ever seen in my life.

DO NOT SEE THE MOVIE! I was tempted to ask for my money back after I had left...

Also, Lord... you actually think AVP was better than Aliens?! THE HELL?! Aliens was the best of the series, and one of the best action movies ever! Not too mention it had my man Michael Biehn! :thumbs-up:

AVP... Ugh... I went in with VERY LOW expectations, and it was even worse than that!
I can't believe i'm saying this, but it had to happen sooner or later..... I agree with Cloud er....um...RolfenWashedupWhatever..

This moive was VERY bad.

At one point i did think the girl was going to kiss the predator, which was really....stupid.

The first half of the moive I thought was worth watching...then it took a sharp, SHARP turn for the worst and never recovered.

I'd add some spoilers but don't want to ruin this bad movie for everyone else, i'll be back later in this thread to bring up some points I think are questionable in the movie...

Two thumbs way down on this one. :damn:
Originally posted by Zziggy00@Aug 13, 2004 @ 09:33 PM

I can't believe i'm saying this, but it had to happen sooner or later..... I agree with Cloud er....um...RolfenWashedupWhatever..

This moive was VERY bad.

At one point i did think the girl was going to kiss the predator, which was really....stupid.

The first half of the moive I thought was worth watching...then it took a sharp, SHARP turn for the worst and never recovered.

I'd add some spoilers but don't want to ruin this bad movie for everyone else, i'll be back later in this thread to bring up some points I think are questionable in the movie...

Two thumbs way down on this one. :damn:

Why the hell does everyone always think it's the end of the world if they agree with me?!

:lol: <_< :rant

It's funny, but pisses me off at the same time... I'm getting tired of it...

And what the hell is up with the "WashedupWhatever" part? <_<

Just go ahead and add the spoilers. Let's save them the trouble of wasting money on it. :thumbs-up:
This is what my friend had to say:

The movie wasn't really all that bad.  Considering that the original designers of the Aliens and the Predators(as cultures, I mean) weren't making the movie(I'm assuming this because I've only seen the Predator movies all of the way through), the director of this movie had to "wing it" to decide how each character would react to the situations.  As for the Predators being incredibly weak, it seems to me that this was a "rite of passage", which is stated in the movie.  So these hunters are probably going through their first live mission.  As for making the weapons for Lex, there could be two explinations for that. First off, the humans built and sacrificed themselves for the Predator's cause.  As a race, they might feel as a sort of father-figure to the humans, thus not really wanting to hurt them.  The second reason, the Predator could've just been using her as bait, but I think the first reason is more apliccable.  It's also possible that because she killed an alien, he found her worthy.

About character development, there is a fair amount.  First off, you see that Lex has very strong feelings towards her team while they are under her supervision.  The photographer(I think he's Nelson from Blackhawk Down) and the other guy from Gladiator made sort of a "Brotherhood Pact".  There's plenty more, but I don't want to give it away to people who's curiosity is getting the better of them.

I don't see what's wrong with the predator running away from the explosion, they aren't a Samurai culture, there is nothing wrong with running away to fight another day(or 10 minutes).  I got the impression that the Queen getting loose was a big mistake, and that the predator(we'll call him bob, cause he's ugly;-)) needed to tell the rest of his species that they need to destroy the temple before the aliens get out of hand.  The way the queen fought could be explained by it's blinding rage at having been held for so long and having so many of it's kin killed.  Also, it was being held, and it couldn't move around.  This lack of exersize, compounded by the fact that it'd just given birth, may also explain why it didn't fight as well.  Hope you'll pay attention to the movie, and perhaps think about things a bit before you go running your mouth.

EDIT:  Instead of arguing with me or correcting any grammer/etc on this forum and polluting it, just PM me or call me.  I repeat, listen and think before you make a fool of yourself...again

No.. just no...

The movie wasn't really all that bad.  Considering that the original designers of the Aliens and the Predators(as cultures, I mean) weren't making the movie(I'm assuming this because I've only seen the Predator movies all of the way through), the director of this movie had to "wing it" to decide how each character would react to the situations.

Designers of the Alien and Predator as cultures? Huh? The hell you mean by that?

What do you mean by "Anderson had to 'wing it' to decide how each character would react"? All I'll say is this: If those three Preds took on the Pred from the original movie, they'd have been slaughtered.

As for the Predators being incredibly weak, it seems to me that this was a "rite of passage", which is stated in the movie.  So these hunters are probably going through their first live mission.

I'm not even going to comment on that....

As for making the weapons for Lex, there could be two explinations for that. First off, the humans built and sacrificed themselves for the Predator's cause.  As a race, they might feel as a sort of father-figure to the humans, thus not really wanting to hurt them.  The second reason, the Predator could've just been using her as bait, but I think the first reason is more apliccable.  It's also possible that because she killed an alien, he found her worthy.

Where hell did you see the humans sacrificing themselves for the Predator? All I saw were the humans getting wiped out by the Preds and Aliens. Also, if you bring up the whole god thing: That was from BEFORE the pyramid was under the Ice. It's obvious the Preds didn't give a shit about the humans this time around.

Also, the whole thing with seeing her as worthy. Why the hell would a Predator need help from someone as inferior as a human? I think the only reason why he took her, was because he knew he wouldn't be able to take the queen alone. If it weren't for that, he wouldn't taken her head off right then and there (I wish....)

About character development, there is a fair amount.  First off, you see that Lex has very strong feelings towards her team while they are under her supervision.  The photographer(I think he's Nelson from Blackhawk Down) and the other guy from Gladiator made sort of a "Brotherhood Pact".

There was little to no character development! Good character development makes it seem as though you know the character. You want them to succeed. I didn't care as the humans were getting picked off one by one, as I didn't feel for any of them.

The photographer guy had to be the most annoying character ever. I could not stand him at all. I was elated when he was killed off. He made the brotherhood pact with the other guy? Is the audience supposed to care? Yes. Did they? Not really with character development as pathetic as this was.

I don't see what's wrong with the predator running away from the explosion, they aren't a Samurai culture, there is nothing wrong with running away to fight another day(or 10 minutes).

I just hated that scene. I'll leave it at that.

The way the queen fought could be explained by it's blinding rage at having been held for so long and having so many of it's kin killed.  Also, it was being held, and it couldn't move around.  This lack of exersize, compounded by the fact that it'd just given birth, may also explain why it didn't fight as well.  Hope you'll pay attention to the movie, and perhaps think about things a bit before you go running your mouth.

Meh... who really cares? The final battle was very boring.... The movie as a whole was boring. I was just glad to get the hell out of there...

I tried paying attention! I just couldn't get with it. The crappy plot, the PATHETIC character development, just everything was blah... It just didn't hold my interest.

I want my $5 back....

I just heard that the producers tried to keep it from a lot of the critics...

I guess even the producers realize how crappy it is....
Ha, better then james camerons aliens... bah... that movie was the shittiest action fest of the alien saga. Bored the shit out of me, also that fag ass m-f'er Bill Paxton and the stupid ***** Jenette Goldstein, oh dear, now talk about horrible character depth. Now i do admit and forwarned you cloud the acting of the humans is very dry, its f-ing Paul Anderson for christ sake. But the action scenes, which he is good at rocked ass. Far from being better then the Alien saga, but an ok addition considering what i expected. And still oh so much better then Aliens, any fag fan boy who wants to smash that, dont make me whip out my reasoning behind why that movie is trash in story, production, directing, and just down right JAMES CAMERON bs. please the man can not direct, hes an evil power hungry shit head who tried to take over the alien franchise and smash Fox's sci-fi puppy that gave chance to so many up and coming directors a chance at a classic film for there first go. 2 great directors were born from the saga (Ridley Scott and David Fincher) and with no help from cameron. Fuck Fincher had to make up for the crap fest Cameron dumped on him, and build from a non existant script to form a classic, intelligent, beuatifully filmed movie that never received any credit for the pain that was put into it. Atleast Ridley got his respect though, cause Ridley da man.
I'm holding off seeing it. I've kinda set a rule for myself, I don't pay $15.50 to go see movies that are less than 2 hours long. I might see it at a nearby theater that only charges $5 for late shows (and $2 for matinees) or just wait for it to get to the $1 theater due to its short run time. That said, I have been looking forward to it. I have enjoyed several of Paul WA Anderson's previous movies, INCLUDING RESIDENT EVIL AND MORTAL KOMBAT. I enjoy action movies that are about the action. I like plots that are simple, I like characters that are general and stereotyped, and I can easily suspend my disbelief long enough to get into these types of movies.

What I'm noticing, both in this thread and elsewhere on the net, is that the people who hate this movie are fanatics. They're the people who can cite every minor detail of the Alien and Predator movies that have come before. They're the people who were expecting a film the likes of the LotR trilogy. What happens is, these people get SO into the stories that how good the previous films have been gets exagerated in their minds. Then when a new movie comes out, they're let down because they created this artificialy high level of expectation. Same thing happened with Freddy vs. Jason last year. Good movie, inflated expectations. A year from now, they'll find themselves picking up the DVD and realizing that, hey, the movie wasn't that bad afterall.

That said. One spoiler I'd like someone to tell me... Is Lance Hendrickson plaing an android in this film like in the first three Alien movies, or is he playing the human the androids are designed to look like? I'm wondering, because the movie does take place before any of the other Alien movies (but after the Predator movies).
Henriksen doesn't play an android in this one. In fact, there are only two references to him as an android:

He's on the cover of a magazine with a headline reading "The Father of Modern Robotics" or something like that.

And later on when's he's using a computer, he takes a pen and stabs it between his fingers a few times ala what he did with the knife to the soldier in Aliens.

It has nothing to do with the Alien films, other than the Alien being in the movie taking on the Predator.

I'm not a fanatic for Alien or Predator. I love Predator, due to it being a Schwarzenegger movie, and Aliens, due to it being one of the single greatest fucking action movies ever! Oh and Michael Biehn.

I have only seen parts of Alien 3 and Resurrection. Same with Predator 2.

Terminator is the only series I'm a fanatic of. And I mean EXTREME FANATIC! 😎 :smokin: