Best 2d fighting games on saturn


Established Member
Hi everyone!

We all know the Saturn was one of the best machines for 2D Fighting. Well I was curious as to what everyone thought were the best ones availible. I'm trying to build my collection and want to know what games should be a higher priority for my aquisition. This includes all imports. Please rank sequels seperately.

In particular, which King of Fighters and Fatal Fury games are better than others?

My favorite ones are Street Fighter Zero 3 and King of Fighters '97. Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter has great graphics, it just has less characters and I think it's kinda cheesy
Hi !

I love Vampire Savior, Night Warrios !, Pocket Fighert, and Cyber Bots
. All have great graphics and very fast gameplay.
I vote for King of Fighters '97 as the best 2D figthing game.

Are U sure Guardian heroes is a real 2D fghting ??

if so, I add Princess Crown

I've notice a KOF'98 on Does it really exist ??
[*]Street Fighter Alpha 2

[*]Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold

[*]Street Fighter Zero 2

[*]Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (2 players vs computer in survival mode, IIRC
There's also a survival mode with 2 players against computer in SF Zero 3. And I'd also vote for Guardian Heroes !

I also love Marvel SH vs SF, because you just have to push all buttons together and turn the pad in every direction... and watch every incredible move the fighters on the screen are doing

Originally posted by Djidjo@May 13 2002,04:41

There's also a survival mode with 2 players against computer in SF Zero 3. And I'd also vote for Guardian Heroes !

You're right about SFZ3's survival mode. Although it had kick-ass music, I didn’t chose SFZ3 simply because the game engine seems to have depreciated. It just didn’t feel right compared to SFA2. Attacks just didn’t feel like they connected, or if they did, it was in an awkward way.
Originally posted by MasterAkumaMatata@May 13 2002,19:59

I didn’t chose SFZ3 simply because the game engine seems to have depreciated. It just didn’t feel right compared to SFA2. Attacks just didn’t feel like they connected, or if they did, it was in an awkward way.

I would have to agree -- there was just something about SFA2/SFZ2 that felt like it was perfect. SFZ3 just seemed different.
its unfortunate that everytime they release a new game in a series that they have to change things and sometimes they are for the worse.
Originally posted by MasterAkumaMatata@May 12 2002,12:25

[*]Street Fighter Alpha 2

[*]Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold

[*]Street Fighter Zero 2

[*]Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (2 players vs computer in survival mode, IIRC

How is alpha 2 gold like?
Originally posted by ryroidu@May 18 2002,22:43

How is alpha 2 gold like?

SFA2G is the same as SFA2 with the following differences (from the top of my head AFAIK):

  • Illustrations Mode (no Akuma mode)
  • cannot fight against computer controlled Shin Akuma in Versus mode
  • Pick Evil Ryu using this code:
    hold Start on Ryu
    R, U, D, L
    press Punch if Player 1, Kick if Player 2
  • Pick Shin Akuma using this code:
    hold Start on Akuma
    D, D, R, D, R, D,
    D, D, L, D, L, D
    press Punch if Player 1, Kick if Player 2
  • no Special Sakura
  • no Cammy
  • takes one level to Alpha counter
  • meter level colors:
    Leve 1. blue
    Leve 2. green
    Leve 3. yellow
  • no SF2 Championship Edition characters, but you can get their outfits for some characters (e.g., Chun-Li)
  • Akuma Mode (no Illustrations mode)
  • can fight against computer controlled Shin Akuma in Versus mode (faster way to practice against Shin Akuma compared to Akuma mode).
  • Pick Evil Ryu by pressing Start twice on Ryu
  • Pick Shin Akuma by pressing Start five times on Akuma
  • Pick Special Sakura by pressing Start five times on Sakura (she's not Evil as she cannot perform the Raging Demon like Evil Ryu can in this game).
  • Cammy playable in Versus and Training mode using this code:
    Beat Arcade Mode with M. Bison with top score and enter your name as ''CAM''. Then pick Cammy in Practice and Versus mode by holding Start on M. Bison and press any button.
  • takes one and a half level to Alpha counter
  • meter level colors (reversed from SFA2):
    Leve 1. yellow
    Leve 2. green
    Leve 3. blue
  • SF2 Champion Edition characters playable by pressing Start once on the respective SF2 Championship Edition character (e.g., Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Zangief, etc.). SF2 Championship Edition characters have no meters and thus cannot perform super combos nor custom combos, which means no mid boss (i.e., first New Challenger) but you can still face Shin Akuma (i.e., second New Challenger) by pressing punch button if Player 1 (kick button if Player 2) to choose your character, getting at least 3 perfects, and not losing a round before reaching the last boss' stage.