Best. Saturn Game. Ever. Contest Nominations


Established Member
Everyone wants gaming polls, so how about a GameFAQs style poll tournament based on racketboy's The Best Saturn Games thread? However, we need 14 (15 actually) more games for a complete tournament bracket.
Isn't it funny how nobody see stickied topics? Let's try this one more time. Somebody say something. 🙁
EDIT: I'll leave this open to nomintaions for another day, then we can vote on which ones to put into the contest.
You must include Death Tank...yea! Though I suppose it really wasn't a standalone game...

Other than that I have to say saturn bomberman and Super Puzzle Fighter 2X.

Originally posted by SamIAm@Jun 21, 2004 @ 02:52 AM

Cotton 2 and/or Cotton Boomerang. If I could only choose one, it would be the former.

I don't know if those are really list worthy; I never even heard of them, but we can vote on it. Either way, I am interested now. I want to try those games.
Originally posted by mountaindud@Jun 21, 2004 @ 03:05 AM

I don't know if those are really list worthy; I never even heard of them, but we can vote on it. Either way, I am interested now. I want to try those games.

That's cool, that's more or less what I was expecting. But if you're interested in playing them, and if you happen to own an import-ready modded Saturn, you can find ISOs for both of them REALLY easily, because they're each smaller than 20 megs zipped. Be prepared for weird gameplay, though; part of the reason why I like them is because they're so unique. Cotton 2 also supports the 1/4 meg RAM carts, although it doesn't require them.
A number of suggestions (sorry if there are any repeats, I don't think there are).

Silhouette Mirage

Guardian Heroes

Die Hard Arcade

Virtua Cop 2

Bulk Slash

Burning Rangers

Virtual On

Waku Waku 7

Virtua Fighter 2

Daytona USA: CCE

Manx TT Superbike

Sega Rally

Dark Savior

Magic Knight Rayearth

Dragon Force
The poll has been updated, vote your least favorite game off. I had to make a few executive decisions.