Hey, now that I have my Saturn working I downloaded Shining Force III Scenario 2 but it is a RAR.

I open it up, but WinRAR will not allow me to extract the .bin and .cue file. I need to extract them before I can convert the .bin to a .iso file.

Also, there is only a .bin and .cue file in the RAR, does that mean that I cannot have any music? There is no mp3 or wav files either.

I need help in the process of extracting the files.

Thanks in advance.
If you can't extract the files then the archive is either damaged, wrong version or it's a multipart archive and you don't have all the parts. How big is the archive file compared to how big the contents are? Do you have the latest version of WinRAR installed?

As for your other question, a .bin file can contain multiple tracks, so if the game uses redbook audio (normal audio tracks) they're probably in the .bin file as well. Check the cue sheet if you can extract it.
Hey, thank you very much. I updated my version of WinRAR and it worked.

I have one more question though. I haven't converted my .bin file to an .iso file yet but I used IsoBuster to look into the bin and the cue files but I didn't see any music files. If I don't have access to the mp3 files, how can I burn the game properly. I would have a ISO and CUE file, after converting the .bin file, but with no music tracks. I checked in the .bin file and found multiple .bin files that I haven't extracted yet, could they have mp3 or music tracks in them?

Any help would be appreciated.
Does the cue sheet that came with the .bin list more than one track? Post the cue sheet here if you're uncertain.

Secondly, if the cue sheet lists only one track are you sure the game uses CD audio? Not all games do. (Someone who knows the game better could answer this.)

Thirdly, is there any specific reason you want to convert the .bin file you have into an iso file? If you haven't had problems burning .bin/cue games before there is no point in converting it.
The problem isn't that I don't like burning bin/cue isos, its just that I don't know how to

Anyways, Shining Force III Scenario 2 must converted because I must use the SatConverter to make it play on my US Saturn. By the way, does any one know how to use SatConverter and RAW2ISO? I've checked some guides here but unfortunately, I haven't found a source of decent info.

I opened the cue sheet and now I see that there are two tracks, track 1 is an image file, and track 2 is audio.

Thanks in advance.
Satconv can be used on bin files.

If you must burn iso/wav instead of bin/cue CDMage can extract the tracks for you.

You can burn bin/cues with CDRWin, Nero, Blindwrite, Fireburner and probably other programs too.
Hey, I just burned it using the help and advice you guys gave me and it worked perfectly.

I would like to thank you both for helping me.