BIN file burning problems with Nero

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Hi All,

I burnt a bin file using Nero . The burn to a cd-r took just 20 min. When I played the burnt cd, the movie came all jerky and audio choppy. The quality of the movie is good except for these problems. Have I done something wrong here? Is there anyway I can repair the cd again? I feel bad that one good cd-r went waste. Any help is appreciated as soon as possible.

Thanks for the reply in advance.
What speed did you burn it at?

What system is it for?

What brand media did you use?

You can't repair the disc, but CDRs are dirt cheap. Cheaper than a pack of gum. Don't get depressed.
Thanks for responding racketboy,

What speed did you burn it at?
- 4X speed [600KB/s] My cd writer can go upto 12X but I always prefer to use the lower speed.

What system is it for?
- I played it in Panasonic RV 32 and also checked it by playing it in my dvd rom drive. Both had the same result.

What brand media did you use?
- I bought a media called SMART BUY which is sold in a store called Compusmart in Canada. I have burnt VCD's in this cd-r and they have come out fine. Where did I go wrong?

the speed seems fine.

so is this a Sega CD game?

For one, the rip you obtained could be bad.

If this is a Sega CD game, try playing the files in Gens and see how it does.
This is not a sega cd game. This is a DVD rip movie which I downloaded off the web. Others who have downloaded and ripped it seem to have happily viewed the movie.

When I insert the burnt cd-r in my dvd-rom, it crashes the real player and I have to open windows task manager everytime to kill the application.
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