Botox cures hyperhidrosis?!?!?!


Established Member
This morning driving home from work I hear a radio ad come through my speakers... I almost cried at the words I heard joyfully coming from this young mans mouth.

"Do you have a sweating problem? Do you sweat profusely even during the winter months. Well we here have a new way remedieing this problem!"

Who here has heard of Botox? It has been in the "medical" (what a jk, medical HA) industry for quite sometime being used mostly for lestening wrinkles in the face. It is a neuro-toxin that paralyzes the skin reducing the appearance of wrinkles. NEURO-TOXIN!

Well research has shown that the use of Botox on the skin of your under arm will reduce perspiration. I don't know about any of you guys, but this is the sickest most demented and disgusting thing I have EVER heard of!

want more info Check out here!
That's been around for a long while, lots of politicians get botox injected into the palm of their hands to prevent sweaty palms when they shake hands with folks.. Sad yes, but absolutely true.
It was just the commercial that CREEPED me the fuck out. The way this guy was advertising it... I can't believe they would put that on the radio along with saying things like "and its FDA approved" with this tone of excitement to his voice.
Dude, you live in Florida. Florida runs a close second to Los Angeles as the plastic surgery capital of the world. (Since most of California is desert, I can't really say CA on a whole is the plastic surgery capital. And granted, I doubt there's much plastic surgery going on down in the Florida Everglades, but since the beach wraps around the whole East, South, and West border...) Either get used to it, or move to Iowa. :biglaugh

(/me waits for Cloud to start in now.)
Yeah, I agree. I think if some of those people saw where botox actually comes from they wouldn't be so keen on it. But then again, people already coat their underarms with copious quantities of aluminum.
My girlfriend gave me this weird "natural" crap that smells like oranges (she has it in her head I like oranges...) it works pretty good and doesn't have aluminum in it... but so what its just aluminum, not a neuro-toxin.

Vertigo:yeah yeah i know, 3 girls have had boob jobs in my office, 2 have had that gastural bypass, and one is debating a butt job. I wonder where the money comes from, I just hardly afford to live with two flatmates.
Yeah, I already knew how bad aluminum is. Also, Botox is fo freakin crazy. I just don't understand it. At least a boob job is permament.
I can't even pretend to care what is in these products, as long as they work, and don't kill you on contact. But I am curious, can the harmful stuff in deodorant get into your system even when applied to an unshaven armpit? I've heard certain deodorants shouldn't be used by women since they shave under there regularly.
Oh, definitely. Anything that's on your skin can potentially be absorbed into your bloodstream if the particles are sufficiently small, but anything on your armpit is more likely to be absorbed because of the huge sweat glands located there. The situation is made worse by shaving, but underarm hair isn't really any protection. The risk is worse in women because of the potential for breast cancer, but with aluminum, the main concern is Alzheimer's.
Originally posted by it290+Fri, 2005-07-22 @ 10:24 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(it290 @ Fri, 2005-07-22 @ 10:24 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Oh, definitely. Anything that's on your skin can potentially be absorbed into your bloodstream if the particles are sufficiently small, but anything on your armpit is more likely to be absorbed because of the huge sweat glands located there. The situation is made worse by shaving, but underarm hair isn't really any protection. The risk is worse in women because of the potential for breast cancer, but with aluminum, the main concern is Alzheimer's.

[post=137073]Quoted post[/post]​


I see, did not know that.

<!--QuoteBegin-Mr. Moustache
@Fri, 2005-07-22 @ 11:47 AM

you know, some guys shave their armpits.. it is the 00's ya know :blink:

[post=137077]Quoted post[/post]​


When it comes to things like that, I always thought a close trim works out better. :hehehe:
OH YEAH! Alzheimers...

I remember now. We were always told not to smoke are shizzit out of home made tin foil pipes because of that! durrrr, should of clicked in my head. (don't know if that was proven, the smokin' part, but that was the rumor... but then there is rumor of LSD/acid making your brain bleed and the blood trickles down blah blah blah. TOTAL BS! The pipe thing probably is true though seeing how it is a neuro-toxin. heh)
Oh yeah, pipe made out of a pop can = bad. I think aluminum cookware is ok because of the anodization process.