Calculus problem


Established Member
What the hell would this look like?

A right circular cone with height "h" and base radius "r" is circumscribed about a sphere whose radius equals a (where a is a constant).

Im thinking the attatched image is it...

(everyone at work thinks im a dork for doing math in my spare time.... i hate them 🙁 )
Is the problem just to draw the diagram? If so, I believe that's correct.

It's strange though that they would just ask you do something as trivial as draw a diagram though. Usually drawing a diagram as such is associated with problems that are more involved (such a simple proof to show that a cone has 3 conic sections, etc).
no the problem is to find the minimum volume of the cone as a function of a.

I just needed to know what it looked like so I could solve it... he worded it weird.

I figured it out though, its the same as a sphere inscribed within a cone. Math is my strong point, english is not.
I dug up this old thread because I have a similar question for all you math geeks out there. 🙂


I received this problem last class in Calc II

Given R={(x,y)| y=1/(1+e^x) , x=0, x=b, y=0} Find the area of region R as b ->infinity

So I set it up, integrated and all that good stuff. I got ln2.

If anyone is bored, why don't you give it a try and see if I'm right. I'd appreciate, and if your like me you might have a good ol' time doing it.