Calling anyone with G6Ftp knowledge


Established Member
Ok, heres the deal, i'm not to use to setting up an FTP with G^, I am behind a firewall (Linksys BEFSR41) and I need to know how to get the server working so I can get people to access it so I can get my damn ftp running again. I have passive mode set on my real ip address and still cant seem to get it to work. it still states my ip from behind the firewall (192.168.x.x)

Any ideas so I can get it back up and running? I've got lots to share, but dont have the means right now.
Set up port forwarding on your router, also isn't G6FTP BulletProof FTP Server now? Get your real IP and put it in your server settings, if you're really lazy just visit That combined with port forwarding to your local IP should do the trick.
A) Do you have a Static IP?

- if yes, you aughta know it!

- if no, get yourself a Dynamic DNS server like "no-ip DUC" found at

B) Get into your router and as dibz said forward port 21 to the IP address that is your computer. (the 192.168 one)

C) Next for Passive Mode (which I myself haven't really gotten work all the best either) you have to open a port range on the router for. Then in your G6FTP settings make sure you put that same port range for passive.

D) Now in the Tab where you put in your External IP address for Passive mode there should be a couple choices. Default, IP address, OR Retrieve External IP from ###. Select the third one and type in the web address you selected when setting up your Dynamic DNS account

if you have a static IP then select the second option and put in your External Static Ip address... I'm guessing you don't have static IP, you'd know you IP address if you did most likely.

E) Stuff should work from there... some extra figgiting around with settings will probably be needed.