Can we get a default theme option?


Established Member

Is there anyway we can get a default theme option? Like something that shipped with the board. This new layout is too hard to read IHMO.

Actually can we just back to the old board? No offense to the people who worked on the redesign, but I feel there's some usability issues that need to be taken care of...
Also can somebody test adding a new user? I could not get the boards to create me an account that could post to the message board. The registration links in the confirmation e-mails were broken.
No, we cannot go back to the old board. The change to this board was made due to NUMEROUS hack attempts made possible by security flaws in the old board's program.

This board is a TEMPORARY design for the interim between the old one and the one some of the other admins have been working on.
Yeah, this theme is very temporary and is actually a hack of the real theme. Bugs should be expected because of that, and colors will be off as well.