Review: Retro-Bit SEGA Saturn Pro Wireless 2.4G Controller

Guys, there's another issue that I had yesterday.
The controller is incompatible with Golden Axe The Duel (USA). It doesn't recognize any button at all.
What a shame. No new firmwares to fix issues, quality control was bad with this controller. Where's the support?

I'm pretty sure "Golden Axe: The Duel" was broken on wireless Retro Bit controllers at one point, but I know at least their 2.4ghz ones were fixed (unless of course they were never broken to begin with). I just tested it to verify. I guess they never pushed the fix to the Pro's firmware?

By the way, this game is also broken with Blue Retro.

That said, even Retro Bit's wired controllers have at least two compatibility issues that I can recall (one of them being "World Heroes Perfect").