Console Launch


Established Member
Hey guys, I've always dreamed of buying a console at launch day. The feeling of getting the latest technology, along with a game or two that shows off what the technology can do, just excites me. I want to feel that feeling. Have any of you? I'll have to wait a few years until the PS3 (I'll be in college, and have a full-time job then), but I'm gonna go for it! You guys ever bought a console at launch? What's it like having that feeling?
It's pretty cool. The first console I bought on launch was my Dreamcast. Skipped school that day and picked 'er up. It was awesome, also got 4 games along with it. Went straight home and played it all day.
my first launch day system was my saturn.

expensive as fuck, but lasted 3 years before I sold it.. bought another 2 or 3 since then, tho.
The First console i ever bought on launch day was my PS2.

I got up at 4 in the morning, and hit the roads looking for lines at stores... Stopped by a Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, and eventually stopped at a K-mart where the line was only 5 people deep, so i was the sixth in line and about 30 min. of standing there an employee came out and said that only 6 were shipped to the location!!!

So i got my PS2 and was extremly happy....then 9 days later it stopped functioning and I had to send it away to Sony

But hey they sent me a free Dual Shock 2 for my troubles
i got a gameboy colour and a gameboy advanced if that counts..

i was also the first kid in my school to have an harddrive for my amiga 500.. a massive 20 megs.. now my vid card is 6 times that.

how things change
I was walking home from a Del Amitri gig in Oxford, UK on May 2, and I happened to go past HMV. Ten people, two minutes left. Bugger. Talk about impulse purchases. That was an expensive night🙂
Originally posted by JDAdams@June 11 2002,00:11

I was walking home from a Del Amitri gig in Oxford, UK on May 2, and I happened to go past HMV. Ten people, two minutes left. Bugger. Talk about impulse purchases. That was an expensive night🙂

which console though?

i picked up my gba on launch here (from electronics boutique in oxford), and got my gc from eb online on launch date

those are the only ones ive brought on launch though, only other console ive brought close to launch(ie while there was still games being made for the unit) was the dc

oh, unless you count the second hand psx i picked up around a year ago i suppose
I never really bothered to get one on launch day other than a n64. That was cause it was when the net was gettin alot of news an previews of games, everyday there was somthin new up on it. Sites were poppin up out of nowhere, net was jus startin to bang around 95'. I remember gettin the games a couple days before launch I believe. Toys R Us i wanna say it was. I call to check on the system, it wasnt there. had to wait about 10days till it was in, woulda went an bought one elsewhere but they were sold out at everystore, noplace to order it off the net, an i already had a preorder. Was driving atleast 125MPH on the way back from pickin it up🙂
sadly, i don't ever remember getting anything at launch, i usually get my systems in the twilight of their life, save for the dc and gba, both year-after-purchases.


Hey guys, I've always dreamed of buying a console at launch day. The feeling of getting the latest technology, along with a game or two that shows off what the technology can do, just excites me. I want to feel that feeling. should really look into finding a girlfriend.
I got the DC at launch and both Shenmues.

Getting Shenmue was probably more exciting than getting the DC though!