CPU Fan & RPM...

CPU Fan & RPM...

I have an Intel P4 2.4GHZ CPU & the standard box Fan cooler that came with it. The fan’s specs are: DC12V, 0.18A. But I noticed in the Bios hardware monitoring, that the fan is spinning at only 2480RPM. Even though The CPU’s temp is at 30C, isn’t the fan’s RPM, a bit too low for this CPU?

Thanks in advance
CPU Fan & RPM...

the reporting could always be wrong

have you looked at the fan itself while it's running?

does it seem ok?
CPU Fan & RPM...

Well is the CPU running too hot? No?

Don't worry about it. If the temps with 70C, then start worrying.

And Des-ROW, stop toying with the poor soul. 😉
CPU Fan & RPM...

Yeah, those monitors aren't always accurate. Depending on your fan, it could be giving you a totally bogus value. Not to mention the fact that some motherboards automatically slow the fan down if the temp is low enough.
CPU Fan & RPM...

Originally posted by Des-ROW@Apr 6, 2004 @ 10:06 PM

Extremely slow.

Try to get a fan that goes over 5000rpm

No, there's no need to get a new fan to get it to run at 5000 rpm. Just hook the ground up to the -12V on your ATX power connector. That should get it up to speed... for about an hour, while it burns itself out.