Deciding between 2 monitors...

Pearl Jammzz

Established Member
Ok, first off, I want atleast an 18'' viewable and that should be more than good enough for me so size is pretty much set at 18'' viewable. Also, I do lots of gaming and watching movies and such on my machine, so that's what it's used for most. A lil graphic/movie editing but nothing major.

I have been looking around and have decided on two. Which do you think is a better monitor and why?




ya....I like my monitors black and/or gunmetal 😛. So help me decide. One is $218 with FREE S/H at newegg, the other is $245 + $25 S/H, so not a whole hell of a lot on price.
I agree, although the other one does appear to have a better refresh rate at higher resolutions. Not sure if that's important to you. Personally, I wouldn't go over 1280x1024 at that size, so the G90 would probably be the way to go.
1600x1200? That's probably a little high... but if you're dead set on running at that res, get the one with the better refresh rate. You're going to need that 87hz... anything below 85hz gives me a headache for stuff like text.