Time to translate Riglord Saga 2! WIP

Yes, 0A 00 is definitely line break, and if I put 81 4X right before it, I can get some punctuation in there too.

I had a couple questions about hex editing. While using the program, with all this formatting, should I use things like cut/copy, paste, delete? Either the keyboard shortcuts or the mouse versions? Or will I need to shuffle everything around by typing it out one byte at a time? Seems some times I break the game, and sometimes not. Yesterday, every patch I made broke the emulator, so I think I have to reset all of it again, cause I'm doing something wrong. I might very well know how to read/write Japanese after I finish this project, haha!

Also, notice that after 8234, I've reached a hard text limit, as anything after that gets repeated. I believe the limit is actually closer to where the 7234 is, as I usually get repeating text and overflow when plugging in text here. These guys speak twice in a row, but there's a limit to how much can go in the box before it overrides the second box.


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You can copy and then paste with overwrite, but I tend to just type everything out because I'm a psycho.

Also, notice that after 8234, I've reached a hard text limit, as anything after that gets repeated. I believe the limit is actually closer to where the 7234 is, as I usually get repeating text and overflow when plugging in text here. These guys speak twice in a row, but there's a limit to how much can go in the box before it overrides the second box.

Its likely that there's a pointer table then. I tend to try and work in the limits or see how much play I get with altering control codes before diving into altering pointers / tables.
Okay. I don't have a set of the code data in front of me... I'm at work right now. Would a pointer table have any indicators or special reference code? I haven't seen anything I can't explain as text or formatting in this area, but maybe some of the formatting is specifically for this?
You can copy and then paste with overwrite, but I tend to just type everything out because I'm a psycho.

Its likely that there's a pointer table then. I tend to try and work in the limits or see how much play I get with altering control codes before diving into altering pointers / tables.
So maybe I should do aome more Byte_Searches. Gives me something to work on tonight/Monday. Won't have time Friday, family day (celebrating Chinese New Year!)
After a bit of research, I feel like I might try to do a few more things in testing how emulators and real hardware are handling my patch, before going too far into translating the text. I have found that SSF runs a concurrent debugger while it plays the game, and I have learned a few things from watching how the game loads the files, and what seems to be happening to the files themselves within the formatting. I believe now That I cannot repurpose the Blanks (00's) before the audio starts, as I feel like there is likely a pointer table targeting that exact location to load the opening audio dialog from. I could utilize these blanks only if I figure out what that pointer table is, and then tell it to look at this new point in the data. I'm not asking for help doing this (looks at Malenko), but if I can't figure it out, I will request further guidance. For right now, I'm going to try what I mentioned above. There will be very little time to make attempts on this until Tuesday, as my family is busy this long weekend (Which starts in less than 6 hours for my kid, and 8 hours from now for me. But that's a bit side tracking anyhow.

TL;DR for you- I am still going about this with as much free time as I can. Updates to follow.
So off to bed for tonight.
You can almost never reuse 00s , the exception is if its a giant blocked out section of data where the 00s are used for padding or if you're moving around pointer tables.

In this game its likely that the 00s are ending the data read for whatever is before the audio; don't think of them as the start of data but rather the end.
You can almost never reuse 00s , the exception is if its a giant blocked out section of data where the 00s are used for padding or if you're moving around pointer tables.

In this game its likely that the 00s are ending the data read for whatever is before the audio; don't think of them as the start of data but rather the end.
Yeah, here I'm specifically referencing the the three sets of 00's before the first Audio file (500.adp) loads. If I adjust where the 500.adp starts at, it doesn't load the audio files until after the stuff I've tried altering is past and it goes back to Japanese. So those 00's cannot be used for extra space in the translation, if I plan to keep the Audio files in the game (maybe these can be replaced with English some day?), then I have to leave at least the first one where it is.
And leaving all of the formatting alone, I have managed to loosely translate (Who has a Terracotta? But there's an army instead!) the first few lines. Let's see how much I can manipulate that within this structure. more testing tomorrow, but SSF reports that it works correctly so far. Gonna test other emulators and maybe real hardware tomorrow if I have time.
I don't use forums much, is there an easy way to create a poll? I know, looking back at this post some time from now, it will seem like a small thing, But I am currently really interested in how the community feels on this issue. I would like to create a poll and then refer many of my friends to it, and see what the general populous that I can reach might think. The poll in question would be about which name to call "The Committee of Seven Wise Men" as is the official translation posited in the manual. One of the drawbacks to working on this translation is that this phrase in Japanese takes up this much space: 7人委員会, which works out to be 10 spaces available. That means the translation needs to be truncated. I would like some opinions. Hence, a poll.
Either way, I've switched over to translating the file 1_Rig2.BIN currently, so haven't been as worried about it the last few days. I might just stick with 7 Wisemen, it's fine, really. If someone else wants to change it later, they are more than welcome to, and that includes myself.
Progress is still coming along. I got a whole file translated today, although the formatting and a few sentences are under the wrong characters, the file is done except for those editing changes. This is one whole page (only like 300 lines of code though) finished completely! Also, got this done for the menus! Still a bit glitchy, some more fixes needed to the main menu file are forthcoming.
Had a set back that resulted in me rolling back my translation to middle of February. That's the bad news. The good news: I received a tool from someone (Derek (ATeam)) that allows me to iterate much faster, so I can progress forward through things I've already worked out much quicker, and don't have to start from Scratch. And I'm working to avoid the game breaking flubs that lead to me resetting back this far in the first place.


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