Established Member
Here we, another translation nobody wanted or would ever ask for =) It really keeps the heat off of me which is better than working on games about coronets and tiaras.
A Nonogram/Hanjie game by Human, the makers of FirePro.
These are AKA picross games, but this one does something neat and uses layers to combine colors on
the later stages. The puzzles get VERY VERY difficult near the end. There are over 700 of them to do.
Dedicated to:
Yuki Mei April 8th 2006 - June 19th 2023
Resources used:
Photoshop CS2: Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions
bytesearch: ByteSearch
Saturn 15bpp : Saturn 15bpp Graphics Converter
wxMEdit: wxMEdit - A Cross-platform Text/Hex Editor
Sega Saturn Patcher: Sega Saturn Patcher
Yaba SanShiro Emulator:
Special thanks : Derek (a-team) for amazing general purpose tools and Knight0fDragon for teaching me a bunch when I first started, and lastly to my wife for putting up with me. Regular thanks to the SegaXtreme and Shiro discords and a great big shout out to Craig Stadler! Almost forgot, thanks to Bo for helping me with the code. Rings of Saturn | Bo | Substack
Files changed:
DATA_X.DAT Puzzle names
GEMIMAIN.SH2 Menus and graphics
GEMIMAP.SH2 Overworld puzzle area names
INST.SBM Tutorial background
TITLE2.SBM Title Screen graphics
WORK.SH2 Various tiles and text
OMAKE\README.TXT I roughly translated the developer read me, a native speaker can prolly do gooder.
Q: Why this game?
A: I like Nonograms and this game has over 700 of them to do, plus... why not?
Q: How "literal" is the translation/localization?
A: Its pretty much dead on balls. The only real "changes" are changing of Japanese terms into English ones.
The best example I can think of is one of the puzzles is called "Kyudo" and I named it "Archery" instead. Small things like that. Everything else is pretty literal which is easy because its almost all specific nouns and verbs and Proper nouns.
There is no Masa in this game either.
Q: Why do the Shiro Patreaons get BETAs?
A: It is my way of helping them get more subs, and me getting involved BETA testers. I previously released betas to the
public and didnt get a ton of feedback TBH. They just got to play an incploete version before the public release, don't be too butt-hurt.
Q: How much do you want for this patch?
A: Its free, don't pay for it.
Q: Do you have a pateon or anything?
A: No patreon, I don't want to feel obligated to work on things when I'm not up for it. You can buy me a donut
if you want to. Pay Malenko using PayPal.Me ; spoiler: you won't and I'm ok with that.
Q: Where did you hide Craig Stadler?
A: Its less funny if I tell you if I did or where he is.
Q: You've said what files are what, aren't you afraid someone is going to "steal your work" and re-translate this game?
A: The goal is for people to learn. I encourage people to poke around and change this to their hearts desire. Credit is nice tho.
I wish someone would remove Stadler from Drift King 97 so I could stop hearing about it.
Q: Do you think people read the readme?
A: No.
This game was an annoying amount of both tile based work:
and text based work:
Fortunately this game supported replacing Shift-JIS values with ASCII without any extra hacking, so when it came to changing text all I had to do was figure out all the control codes and not break them.
This was tested on real hardware as well:
Satiator, modchip, and PSK booted it with no problem.
To note, I didnt bother editing the title screen for this, the Shiro Patreon was technically 1.0BETA and this is 1.0 Final.
I spent a solid 10 hours tracking down all the edit mode screens, which no one will ever see. I will update this thread with a link to the resource after I upload.
This is the screen I spent the most staring at:
resource link:
A Nonogram/Hanjie game by Human, the makers of FirePro.
These are AKA picross games, but this one does something neat and uses layers to combine colors on
the later stages. The puzzles get VERY VERY difficult near the end. There are over 700 of them to do.
Dedicated to:
Yuki Mei April 8th 2006 - June 19th 2023
Resources used:
Photoshop CS2: Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions
bytesearch: ByteSearch
Saturn 15bpp : Saturn 15bpp Graphics Converter
wxMEdit: wxMEdit - A Cross-platform Text/Hex Editor
Sega Saturn Patcher: Sega Saturn Patcher
Yaba SanShiro Emulator:
Special thanks : Derek (a-team) for amazing general purpose tools and Knight0fDragon for teaching me a bunch when I first started, and lastly to my wife for putting up with me. Regular thanks to the SegaXtreme and Shiro discords and a great big shout out to Craig Stadler! Almost forgot, thanks to Bo for helping me with the code. Rings of Saturn | Bo | Substack
Files changed:
DATA_X.DAT Puzzle names
GEMIMAIN.SH2 Menus and graphics
GEMIMAP.SH2 Overworld puzzle area names
INST.SBM Tutorial background
TITLE2.SBM Title Screen graphics
WORK.SH2 Various tiles and text
OMAKE\README.TXT I roughly translated the developer read me, a native speaker can prolly do gooder.
Q: Why this game?
A: I like Nonograms and this game has over 700 of them to do, plus... why not?
Q: How "literal" is the translation/localization?
A: Its pretty much dead on balls. The only real "changes" are changing of Japanese terms into English ones.
The best example I can think of is one of the puzzles is called "Kyudo" and I named it "Archery" instead. Small things like that. Everything else is pretty literal which is easy because its almost all specific nouns and verbs and Proper nouns.
There is no Masa in this game either.
Q: Why do the Shiro Patreaons get BETAs?
A: It is my way of helping them get more subs, and me getting involved BETA testers. I previously released betas to the
public and didnt get a ton of feedback TBH. They just got to play an incploete version before the public release, don't be too butt-hurt.
Q: How much do you want for this patch?
A: Its free, don't pay for it.
Q: Do you have a pateon or anything?
A: No patreon, I don't want to feel obligated to work on things when I'm not up for it. You can buy me a donut
if you want to. Pay Malenko using PayPal.Me ; spoiler: you won't and I'm ok with that.
Q: Where did you hide Craig Stadler?
A: Its less funny if I tell you if I did or where he is.
Q: You've said what files are what, aren't you afraid someone is going to "steal your work" and re-translate this game?
A: The goal is for people to learn. I encourage people to poke around and change this to their hearts desire. Credit is nice tho.
I wish someone would remove Stadler from Drift King 97 so I could stop hearing about it.
Q: Do you think people read the readme?
A: No.
This game was an annoying amount of both tile based work:
and text based work:
Fortunately this game supported replacing Shift-JIS values with ASCII without any extra hacking, so when it came to changing text all I had to do was figure out all the control codes and not break them.
This was tested on real hardware as well:
Satiator, modchip, and PSK booted it with no problem.
To note, I didnt bother editing the title screen for this, the Shiro Patreon was technically 1.0BETA and this is 1.0 Final.
I spent a solid 10 hours tracking down all the edit mode screens, which no one will ever see. I will update this thread with a link to the resource after I upload.
This is the screen I spent the most staring at:
resource link:
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