Die Hard Arcade


Established Member
2006-07-23 to 2006-07-29; Sega Saturn


DIE HARD™ Arcade Hits Home!

They've got the president's daughter, trained killers, and heavy artillery. The odds aren't in your favor.

Your mission is to wax hordes of maniacal cut throats, dodge endless gunfire, and personally see to it that the young Missie Herrington is returned to daddy.

It's another million-to-one shot, McClane, YIPPEE-KI-YAY!!!
  • Relentless "in-your-face" game desing - direct from the arcade!
  • Over 1,000 different moves. Furious pace will keep you bug-eyed, blistered and begging for more!
  • Over 15 different weapons to grab - assault rifles, furniture, robot parts, gasoline, anything you can get your hands on!
  • Need back-up? Grab a buddy and double team 'em in 2-Player Mode!

TEEN (13+)



For more information on the product's rating,

call 1-800-771-3772 or visit the ESRB web site


From Fist-fights to Rocket-launchers... the odds are always stacked against you as the meanest bunch of muschled-up terrorists stand between you and your search for their hostage... the Presidents daughter.

Faustkampfe...automatische Waffen...sprengstoff...Ich LIEBE solche Tage! Die Schweinebacken haben die Tochter des Prasidenten entfuhrt. Die Chancen stehen schlecht. Nur zwei Leuten konnen Sie da rausholen: DU und ICH ! komm' schon!

Dans la peau d'agents des forces speciales de police, vous allez devoir sauver la fille du president, kidnappee et sequestree par de redoutables terroristes sans scrupules. Avec une jouabilite irreprochable, preparez-vous pour un cocktail extremement defoulant et de nombreuses montees d'adrenaline!

Punetazos, peleas, disparos, lanza-misiles... en tu camino te encontraras con la banda de terroristas mas mezquina y despiada que jamas hayas visto. Tu mision; rescatar a la hija del Presidente que ha sido secuestrada. Su mision : impedirtelo...

Da scazzottature a lanciarazzi ... le probabilita di succeso sono sempre scarse per voi, quando il piu meschino gruppo di terroristi forzuti si frappone tra voi e la vostra ricerca del loro ostaggio ... la figlia del presidente.

Of het nu gaat om vuistgevechten of raketlanceerinrichtingen ... je zult het zwaar te verduren krijgen als het gemeenste stel gespierde terroristen het tegen hou opneemt tijdens je zoektocht naar hun gegizelde ... de dochter van de president.

:flamethrower: is the best weapon 🙂


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I used to play this in the arcade a lot. Of course, I always had to somehow force myself away from the Virtua Fighter machine. 😛

This was the sixth Saturn game I purchased (Along with seven and eight at the same time (Virtua Fighter Kids and Virtual On)). Pretty much all my Saturn games are arcade ports (12 of 17). But that's what I bought it for. 🙂