You told a good tale, 3rdman. It certainly freaked me out a bit.
As for me, there are times, i've had a few scares. Okay, my room is on the second floor of a two house complex. The back house, is one storey house, which leaves it's rooftop outside my window. And I have a huge window, it goes from wall to wall, with 2 inch clearance on each side, and 3 feet off the floor, and 2 from the ceiling. So there are times, when I leave the windows and blinds slightly open for air and fall asleep. One time i swear, I woke up to a crunchy gravel sound... it was on and off, every 5 seconds ..sscth ..ssctch.. I thought it was the TV on my pc, but i looked up and found my computer had gone on standby, so I rose slightly facing the window and blinds, little and little being able to see inbetween the blades, and i saw a freaky ass shadow, quickly move from middle left of the window, to the right, but oddly enough I didn't hear the gravel-ly sound... God was I freaked out, I was soo soo scared, I got the #### out of the room and went downstairs and slept under the dining room table.
Other than that, there were a few times I woke up to a click click click click sound, it's my portable cd player's laser unit it turns on somehow, and moves away from the hub, continually until it gets to the end of it's track and clicks.
And right now, I'm not kidding, my hard drive is making freaky noises. like it's turning on and off, winding and winding... I need to restart.