DOA for Saturn vs. DOA for PSX

I really don't see where you are coming from Raijin Z.

Most people responding to this thread have offered up their opinions based on what they've seen of the two ports.

I don't see anyone pissing all over the PSX port.
Maybe he was a need to shove up his manhood, or he simply doesn't know the meaning of sharing opinions with some respect to others.

And the fact that someone thinks something sucks, doesn't mean that it actually stinks. Nobody has been crowned as god yet.
@Berty: You probably have never heard of PAL60, have you? 60hz is now a common option for PAL games, along with the higher resolution (720x576 for PAL, 720x480 for NTSC) this makes exactly WHAT the better format?...

Back on topic: Have played both versions, it´s a matter of taste, period. Like with DOA2 on PS2 and DC, take the latest versions of both consoles head to head and it´s purely a matter of personal taste imho.
There was a limited edition release for the Saturn, I think it featured more costumes (um.. whupeee!) and maybe some other stuff. I think there was a whole thread relating to it in the Saturn sectio a while back. I might come back with a link..
with both versions I meant PSX and Sat, there were only several releases of DOA2 for DC and for PS2. 3 for DC if I remember correctly, 2 for PS2 (the second one greatly improved and named DOA2:Hardcore).
Originally posted by Vash@Sep 5, 2002 @ 05:09 PM

@Berty: You probably have never heard of PAL60, have you? 60hz is now a common option for PAL games, along with the higher resolution (720x576 for PAL, 720x480 for NTSC) this makes exactly WHAT the better format?...


When these games were written, this was a key issue that NTSC actually ran better. Yes im aware of PAL 60Hz, but this has only been happeneing in recent years. as for the resolutions that you have mentioned, do you have a tv that can do this?, if you do than im very happy for you.

The REAL issue here is to compare the PSX version of DOA to the Saturn version not to argue for the NSTC format as being superior.


Japanese DOA 2 Limited Edition and DOA 2 Regular Edition


Japanese DOA 2

Japanese/US DOA 2 Hardcore
I will some ot up for u

i have both versions

and the Playstation version is not very good

it doesn;t look very much like the arcade at all and their in it loses its feel of play

the charachters on psx altho high res look clunky

and where the hell are the backgrounds lol they took out all the good stuff to make room for two extra crap characters
