DOA Ultimate

I heard VIA Magic Box that DOA Ultimate got pushed back by Tecmo to Nov 3rd Instead of the 28th. Yet I called the place where I preordered mine (on the 26th) and they said it would be in the store to purchase on the 27th. So I dunno what the hell is going on in this big mess of dates. Also if this delay is just for the Japanese release or the US included.

From MB posted the 26th

Tecmo has pushed back the release date of Dead or Alive Ultimate for Xbox one more time, from October 28 to November 3 in Japan. Tecmo will also release the Limited Edition with Kasumi-chan Blue Xbox DOAU Bundle Pack on the same date.

So if anyone know's what is up with this game let me know please.
It sounds like they just pushed back the Japanese release date to adjust for a delay in the LE bundle release.
It'll be in stores today :banana (its 2 AM, so 10ish hours from now)

I got worried when I saw the 'DOA:U delayed'... luckily for us it was for Japan only :)

Apparently it was due to production delays.
Yup, I was worried for a while too but I'm glad everything worked out well for us. I've been playing the game and I love it.

Has anyone played it on XBOX live yet, I keep hearing mixed reviews of people saying it doesn't lag and it does. One thing is for sure though it lags for international play no matter what I read. If someone can get back to me on that I'd appreciate it. Thanks.