Donations for moving the site to vB


Staff member
If you guys can meet me half way with donations I will purchase vBulletin for the site. The cost of the program is $160 so if you guys donate $80 I will pay the additional $80 to purchase it.

My paypal address is
I'm all for this, maybe I'll make a new theme (probably) to go with it. While vBulletin is definately one of the better forum softwares out these days, way better then the crap phpBB is.

*and yes, I know vB has it's share of hacks as do all scripts. Overall however I find it to be the most secure (depending on it's setup) and security patches are timely.
I don't know. I pretty happy with the forum as it is. SX forum has a lot of annoying little problems.
The SX forum problems are mostly due to the template -- Not vB. The template problems come from the fact that the template is a quickly ripped apart "light" version of the real template. It was done in haste so the board could quickly be moved from ipb. We want to move TW off of phpBB for the same reason as getting away from IPB, hacking issues.