DOS help needed


Established Member
I want to edit the config.sys on one of the PC based lighting desks that I use at work.

The problem is that I can't remember how to halt the boot up process before the autoexec.bat is run. If it's just left to run, the desk software is loaded and upon exiting it, it powers down the system.

I know that I've been able to do it before, but I just can't for the life of me remember how.

Anyone know?
Ack! Is it F5 that halts the boot process? Maybe you should use a boot floppy and bypass the installed autoexec/config sys that way...
If you want to terminate the batch file (autoexec.bat) just keep pressing ctrl+c before it starts to load it's stuff. Eventually you'll get a bunch of "Terminate Batch Job" messages, answer yes and it will exit out to the command prompt.