Dragon Force


Staff member
Working Designs will be publishing Dragon Force for the Sega Ages Collection for the US!

Very good news indeed! Thanks go to the Magic Box for the news.
Well this answers the question those have been asking about where Working Designs has been. HOT DOG! that should be an easy translation, they've done it once before already!!! I hope they also do #2
I hate to dampen others hopes, but that's not quite what the article said. What was mentioned was that Victor Ireland and WD would like to bring over Dragon Force.. Given WD's (and 2D game in general) past with Sony, that's easier said than done.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, But I believe Sega also tried to release the Phantasy Star-Sega Ages games for the Playstation 2 individually but was was given approval by Sony under the condition that all 3 games (I, II & IV) be packaged as one collection (believe the same happened for SNK with thier Metal Slug/King of Fighters).
From the interview

Vic: We're always busy with all the new stuff coming down to get involved in updates to older titles, but when there's action on the Japanese side, were very excited, especially when the titles are amongst out favorites. I'm personally flipped out about the upcoming [PS2] re-release of Dragon Force. That's literally one of my favorite games of all-time, so I'm really interested in doing it here. Nothing's happened yet regarding a US release, but we're trying to get that to happen. It will be cool to let a larger user base finally see it!

He says his trying. He sounds rather optomistic and if Sony looks at the prices for what DF goes for on ebay I'm pretty sure they'll finally wake up and smell the coffee on this issue.